What's your opinion on "treats" & "snacks"?



  • pouka89
    pouka89 Posts: 24
    I can't deny myself nice things, or I just want them more! I just look for things with less calories, and try and leave it till the evening after dinner so I know how many Cal I have left over. I went the cinema the other night, and left enough for some popcorn!

    I eat a lot of chocolate breakfast bars, because they have less calories than a chocolate bar, and fill me up!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    Well, you know I love pie. I have to have my treats. Not everyday, but when I have a craving, I make sure I can fit it into my calories for the day. Also, I try to make sure it is homeade, and not processed. And I try to make sure it is gone fast. I might make a batch of cupcakes. I eat one, and take the rest to church on Sunday. Or make something I know my husband will finish off for me, like chocolate chip cookies, or banana cake.
    But that pie, I don't know if he likes it. But I think the teens will finish it for me.
  • Shamrock40
    Shamrock40 Posts: 264
    I could never go without having sweets and salty things again or I'd be binging every week. For me it's all mental. Knowing I can have something, no matter what it is, makes it so much easier to have just a bite or a half serving of a treat. If I cut myself off completely, I'd want it that much more. Having said that, I know my pitfalls. I can't keep Reese's Peanut Butter cups in the house. I'll eat them until they're gone. Potato chips are the same way, although I'm not as bad with salty stuff. I have been eating small portions of popcorn 4-5 times a week, but I gave it up for Lent and I miss it! That was my salty go-to snack at night.

    I will also say that I don't usually have treats on the days that I don't exercise. I definitely tend to have more treats on the days that I exercise because I figure I'm not actually substituting bad calories for good, I'm just eating additional cals.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    I eat whatever I want whenever I want as long as I am within calories. I know a lot of ppl have difference of opinion on this, but I agree this is not a diet for me. Its a way to train my brain to not engorge myself on ANYTHING. Fruits, veggies, crap - everything in moderation. So if I have the calories for it, or I want to workout for it - I have my cake and eat it too!
  • dalscruf
    dalscruf Posts: 30 Member
    I am a picky eater, definitely NOT a health freak, and love sweets/snacks. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want just as long as i'm under my calories or know that I will be able to get exercise in to put me under. Faithfully logging everything on here teaches me to say NO when I'm really craving something. If it's not in my "budget", i'll think about my goals and won't do it or I will make myself work out first and sometimes the craving will go away... or try drinking lots of water when you get a craving! Good luck :)
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    I think you have to know yourself and what your tolerances are. if a food is too tempting for you and your relationship with it is poor, it needs to be avoided. I wouldn’t keep it in my house and I wouldn’t regularly bring it into my plan and set myself up for a negative challenge.

    I am not a sweet binger, but I do like sweets. So, I keep (as I always have) balls of frozen chocolate chip cookie dough in my freezer and I will bake one in the toaster oven and have it for dessert a couple times a week (depending on how many calories, carbs and sodium I have available that day). I will also eat 1 to 2 spoonfuls of ice cream or 1 or 2 sips of milkshake when my husband has some. I do that, because that is enough. I can be satisfied by small amounts of sweets without sabotaging myself.

    But there are certain treats that I have to approach with serious caution (meaning I need to be fully aware of how much I’m eating and how many calories I can allot to them), because they are foods I have a poor relationship with, and will stuff in my face long after I’m full: pepperoni pizza, french fries, buttered popcorn, any kind of baked pasta, chips & salsa, Coke, fried chicken, BBQ.

    That said, I have consumed almost every single one of the things on that list since I started my weight-loss plan; but they are solely regulated as treats now, and are no longer items that I make a regular part of my diet.