The Wall

bluesuntrader Posts: 10
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
So I started this right after thanksgiving in 2010, and have taken off 13 pounds. Its a great feeling, but I recently have hit a plateau.

I changed my diet around a little bit, and updated my profile to only loose 1/2 a pound a week. 2 weeks at the same weight is surly not the end of the world, but it does tend to get you a little discouraged.

Profile has been updated for a expected 2 pounds a week.

Now if I can only stay out of the bakery on the weekends :)


  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    have you been exercising during this time? as sometimes you need to change what you are doing and not what your not?
  • b_alanna
    b_alanna Posts: 15
    Sometimes you just dont lose weight. It maybe even that you have gained muscle. Its completely normal. Just a hoop everyone has to jump.
  • Yeah. I exercise almost everyday. I mix it up with Elliptical, Running, and weights. I am mostly focused on cardio, rather than weight training.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Sometimes you need to ask if the "wall" is physical or mental. I've been struggling of late, but I must confess the fault is mine. You mention the bakery. That's the kind of problem I'm having as well, and I realize that the problem is my frame of mind. I had some counseling at the beginning of this journey, and I'm going in to see my counselor again next week--I need an emotional "pick me up." Maybe you need someone or something to do the same for you.
  • That could work, or maybe just a thick chain bolting me down to the basement :)
  • bfh123
    bfh123 Posts: 33 Member
    alanna could be on to something, I weigh myself daily but record it weekly. Yesterday I noticed I GAINED 1.4 pounds over last week and I've really cranked up my exercise. been going to a crossfit class and running. I'm thinking wth? My CF trainer said dont worry about it, it's probably muscle.

    Sure enough, after I talked to him, I noticed I moved another belt loop. There's only one explanation for that. Muscle. :)
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    yep its been almost a month since i've lost a lb..i know part of it has to do with my shift changing part has to do with me eating more junk food as well.. main thing is we have to keep pushing til this cursed wall breaks
  • also check the sodium and simple carbs in your food

    mmm...the delightful! What is it about the bakery that draws you? the food? the people? the atmosphere? all the above and more?
  • lol. the bakery is the perfect culmination of excellence. Great food, and great people who know where to find a good treat.
  • pwprice59
    pwprice59 Posts: 76 Member
    I also started late last year, but around September. I lost about 15 pounds and about 5 inches in my waist, nly about 5 more pounds this year. I started monitoring my %body fat with an Omron device. It has helped me adjust my goals, I have had to increase my calories because I tend to loose a little muscle along with fat now that I am working on that last 10 pounds (or so). I have had to change my goal to not loose weight, but to loose body fat, and I have to eat more especially protein along with my workouts to do it.

    So if you are on those last few pounds, it might be time to reassess the situation.
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