RTricia Posts: 720
Searching for some MFP friends who have sleep apnea...

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  • Central, Obstructive or Mixed?
  • Hi I am pete and I have had sleep apnea since 97, but I hope to be off my cpap machine soon please feel free to add me as a friend,
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I'm Nate, I have had sleep Apnea since 1996, just like Pete i am ready to be off my machine, but it may take a while. I just added you fyi.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    Obstructive... I think.... I fluctuate between needing 4-13 on my CPAP....
  • conmar51
    conmar51 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm a sleep apnea patient, hoping the weight loss will rid me of it. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I have severe sleep apnea as well - I haven't slept with my CPAP in months and I'm needing to go back ... but I hope to find some friends who are also trying to lose weight and stay well-rested in the process.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea is almost always physical, meaning due to being overweight, however sometimes you can be skinny as a rail, but have some sort of anomaly, extra tissue, etc.

    Central is due to the brain, and thats the one you have to watch out for. I hope for all your sakes its simply due to weight, and not the noodle.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I've had sleep apnea since I was 22-ish... even before this ugly 17-18 pounds extra. I wonder if its my noodle.... lack of sleep makes my depression thick. Perhaps i need to quit posting for the day knowing I'm tired. Thanks all for being there! I'm just hoping for more sleep apnea friends who can relate on a sleep and perhaps fitness/weight loss level.
  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    Yep, my CPAP machine is one of those things on my list to be rid of. Right next to cholesterol and blood pressure meds. I did not need the machine until I gain a ton of weight. So I assume once I lose some more I will be off that sucker.
  • I am a respiratory therapist, and have lots of experience with sleep disorders. If i can help answer any questions, I will be glad to help. good night fitness pals.
  • cathie68
    cathie68 Posts: 1
    Wow, what a timely topic for me! I just today had my results from my sleep clinic.........moderate apnea, 20 awakenings. I'm 42 and currently 20 lbs overweight, lost 9 since January. I sure hope the cpap helps me get a restful sleep. I don't think I have ever had a good nights sleep.

  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    I'm a Sleep Apnea survivor so to say. I had obstructive and they said the BiPap won't work well. I had an ENT remove a portion of my soft pallet and some septum work a few month back. Between the weight loss and surgery I am back in bed w/ my wife snore free and sleeping much better. I'm glad the insurance wouldn't step-up and pay for the bipap but would pay for the surgery...can't imagine life 'on the machine' again. Weight loss was the biggest help even beyond the sleep apnea.
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