


  • sweetpeaga7
    Girl 10 pounds in 40 days is AMAZING honestly! It has taken me 60 days to get rid of just 7 pounds. But I'm still thankful for those 7 pounds in 60 days!!! I've worked so hard too and sure I'd love to have had the scale move down quicker during the past 60 days but I can see improvements and a loss is a loss! They say the longer it takes to get it off the longer it will stay off. Don't sweat it girl you are doing awesome!!!! Hang in there! You will see more results. But don't be discouraged. Your doing better than most. Better than those who do nothing. Better than those that aren't doing what they need to be doing. Give yourself credit!
  • malabaugh
    malabaugh Posts: 130 Member
    10lbs was pretty anti-climatic for me too! Just remember, it took longer than 40 days to GAIN those 10lbs. It's going to take time and everyone is different, so just keep at it. Maybe consider making small changes to your routine. A different exercise? More calories? Good luck and don't stop!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I have lost 11 pounds and my measurements have stayed the same but every jiggles a lot less. My butt has changed shape but kept the same circumfrance. Lost my muffin top and my butt is firmer and more in the back and less on the sides.