I'm feeling BLUW - Biggest Loser Ultimate Workout!

Yep I'm feeling BLUW - feeling sore (good sore), relaxed, energised, tired, challenged & a sense of achievement... :)

I'm sure I'm improving but I still find it a bit of a struggle at times, especially when starting out and I've found when you up the intensity, it's nearly like starting out again. Whoo haa - Challenging is errr "Challenging" LOL

I would love to know a bit more about the internal dynamics from the Developers. I say that because some sessions it really seems to up the pressure and others it lays off a bit. But I don't know if that's just random or is it by design?

I downloaded the new Pilates too thinking it would be a bit like Yoga - ohhh that's smarts - some of that is a bit on the torturous side!

If I stick at it, it will be interesting to see just where it goes as I progress & up the intesity over time.

I'm mixing it up a bit too - instead of BLUW sessions only, I mix it with other active Kinect games, like Adventures and I'm hoping to hoping to get some decent Sports or Boxing games down the track as a reward for progress.

Now that I have my latest reward - a HRM - I'm going to find out for sure who wins in the burn department - I'm sure Adventures burns way more than BLUW most of the time; especially Reflex Ridge.

I really hope the interest holds & I keep feeling BLUW :))


  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Fighters Uncaged, while not an amazing game, sure is one heck of a workout!! I was exhausted playing that!!
    Wanting to get BLUW but my boyfriend thinks I'd be better with YourShape. I don't know which to get!!
  • trhonda2011
    Yay I have BLUW and plan to start back using it. My issue is I don't have enough room so my Kinect can't read me that well during floor workouts. My biggest workouts have been with Dance Central, I can be on that for hours and not notice because its such fun!
  • scopelk
    scopelk Posts: 43
    been wanting to get the dance central also
  • trhonda2011
    It is SO MUCH FUN!!! Of course I love to dance but even my friends that aren't all that coordinated still enjoy it, and it definitely gets the blood flowing!
  • charlene_1980
    The biggest loser is one of my favorites... well, except for all the bugs that mine appears to have? It keeps saying the date is Dec 5, 2005, every darn day... My xbox is right, the software is wrong... so it doesn't log anything as a result of this. The kinect doesn't always read me well with the floor exercises.. it's about 50/50 on that one. I'd love to know how accurate the calorie burn count is on the game. BUT, I can definitely feel it, I have a sense of accomplishment, it challenges me, and keeps me going... I like to switch it up and do the box fit every 2 or 3 days as well... I have the figters uncaged game, that one makes me sweat something fierce too lol
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    @redpiggy - yeh I've seen uncaged mentioned a few times - I think it's at the top of my current rewards list. I can't compare any other fitness program to BLUW as I only have the one. But I think it's brilliant. Closest thing you're going to get to a personal trainer in the living room. Don't get me wrong though it's not perfect.

    Hopefully though it's a case of the Kinect being so new that the Developers are still learning how to use it to it's full potential and some developers are doing interfaces & controls well and some are dismally failing. And particular programs in particular will be better - learning from their mistakes - for sequels - I certainly hope that's the case with BLUW - it could be totally awesome if they iron out a few issues.

    My quick list of beefs with BLUW go something like this:

    You need to be able to change the fitness program at other times other than just weigh-in - that may be deliberate of course to try to stop you cheating. But either way it would be nice to be able to change the intensity or style of a single session on the fly - one day you may really feel like an intense session, say full-body circuit: challenging and you get a Yoga-moderate - it's a bit of a drag. Or you could be feeling tired or sore and only feel up to a light Pilates - but the program gives you a box-fit moderate and you feel like keeling over half way through. What if you make a mistake setting the fit program to 5-50min sessions and you meant it to be 3-40min sessions for the week...

    They seriously need to get rid of the stupid number dials - and use a more efficient number entry mechanism.

    Those are the biggies - but some lesser annoyances: don't offer water 30 secs before session end. Don't carry on about upper body being dead when you haven't done any upper body work in the last 15mins. LOL But overally it's working for me and I couldn't be happy with the $80 AUS I shelled out for it.
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    For sensor issues in general I believe the higher you mount it the better with 6' being best. I know that seems counter intuitive for it seeing the floor properly but the developer blogs for Kinect put it out there than generally higher is better. We have ours set at about 5' on the top of our 60cm Plasma - but I've bought the wall mount & will be mounting it higher and behind the TV. I also find lighting has a fair bit to do with it - I have better results and accuracy at night in even artificial light than I do in the afternoon say with sunlight casting shadows in the room.

    @charlene_1980 - total bummer - don't know what's going on there. Apart from the design annoyances I've talked about I haven't experienced any real "bugs" as such. The not tracking would suck for me.

    Andd - yes the calorie counter is lowww Well probably shouldn't say that categorically but for me personally - I have made sure all my stats (measurements, weight etc) are as accurate as possible (since that could throw the calcs out) and it calculates calories quite low for me. I have just this week got a Polar FT7 HRM and I trust it a lot more than BLUW - as an example for a Circuit session for 40mins on Challenging BLUW said 258 - the HRM said 467; even for a moderate Yoga umm I think for 25mins BLUW 98 - HRM 123.

  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    PS - I'm going to have to checkout Live or Google to see if there is any way to give feedback to the Developers on what you think they've done right and wrong - hopefully if they listen to the people using the programs they'll get a lot closer to perfect for their next round.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    The biggest loser is one of my favorites... well, except for all the bugs that mine appears to have? It keeps saying the date is Dec 5, 2005, every darn day... My xbox is right, the software is wrong... so it doesn't log anything as a result of this. The kinect doesn't always read me well with the floor exercises.. it's about 50/50 on that one. I'd love to know how accurate the calorie burn count is on the game. BUT, I can definitely feel it, I have a sense of accomplishment, it challenges me, and keeps me going... I like to switch it up and do the box fit every 2 or 3 days as well... I have the figters uncaged game, that one makes me sweat something fierce too lol
    Actually that might be your xbox..
    My boyfriend is into games big style and as soon as I mentioned your problem he knew what it was!
    Do you turn your Xbox off at the plug or un plug it everytime? Dec 5 2005 is the date the Xbox resets to when it's power is cut off. And if your game loads as soon as you turn it on, it registers that date. Try not turning it off at the plug one night and see if it changes :smile: it "might" work.
  • charlene_1980
    The biggest loser is one of my favorites... well, except for all the bugs that mine appears to have? It keeps saying the date is Dec 5, 2005, every darn day... My xbox is right, the software is wrong... so it doesn't log anything as a result of this. The kinect doesn't always read me well with the floor exercises.. it's about 50/50 on that one. I'd love to know how accurate the calorie burn count is on the game. BUT, I can definitely feel it, I have a sense of accomplishment, it challenges me, and keeps me going... I like to switch it up and do the box fit every 2 or 3 days as well... I have the figters uncaged game, that one makes me sweat something fierce too lol
    Actually that might be your xbox..
    My boyfriend is into games big style and as soon as I mentioned your problem he knew what it was!
    Do you turn your Xbox off at the plug or un plug it everytime? Dec 5 2005 is the date the Xbox resets to when it's power is cut off. And if your game loads as soon as you turn it on, it registers that date. Try not turning it off at the plug one night and see if it changes :smile: it "might" work.

    Strange, I have never unplugged it... just turn it off with the off button. I'm definitely open to any other suggestions? lol
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    The biggest loser is one of my favorites... well, except for all the bugs that mine appears to have? It keeps saying the date is Dec 5, 2005, every darn day... My xbox is right, the software is wrong... so it doesn't log anything as a result of this. The kinect doesn't always read me well with the floor exercises.. it's about 50/50 on that one. I'd love to know how accurate the calorie burn count is on the game. BUT, I can definitely feel it, I have a sense of accomplishment, it challenges me, and keeps me going... I like to switch it up and do the box fit every 2 or 3 days as well... I have the figters uncaged game, that one makes me sweat something fierce too lol
    Actually that might be your xbox..
    My boyfriend is into games big style and as soon as I mentioned your problem he knew what it was!
    Do you turn your Xbox off at the plug or un plug it everytime? Dec 5 2005 is the date the Xbox resets to when it's power is cut off. And if your game loads as soon as you turn it on, it registers that date. Try not turning it off at the plug one night and see if it changes :smile: it "might" work.

    Strange, I have never unplugged it... just turn it off with the off button. I'm definitely open to any other suggestions? lol
    His response was.. Hmmmm..
    Sorry then not a clue!! Although the december date is what the Xboox automatically resets to.. Are your saved game dates alwasy that date two with other games?
    Sorry OP for hijacking your thread!!
  • W0zzie
    W0zzie Posts: 262 Member
    @redpiggy - no problem with hijack - happy to help

    Actually 2 things spring to mind.

    1. I do recall us having this hassle way back - it might have been a dashboard/OS issue and was fixed in an update somewhere along the line.

    2. Are you connected to Live - I don't mean subs but at least connected to the Web - I have a feeling for a period there where I didn't have the XB on the Web connection it was doing the same but now it's always on our LAN there isn't a problem.