cheating on the treadmill

at the end of my workouts, i like to go on the treadmill at a speed of 3.0 and an incline of 15. i figure its a great way to burn extra calories and stretch the legs. but i noticed its much easier walk at a high incline if your holding the side of the machine. am i losing effiency when i do this and cheating myself out of a good work out or does it not make a difference to the number of calories i burned?


  • at the end of my workouts, i like to go on the treadmill at a speed of 3.0 and an incline of 15. i figure its a great way to burn extra calories and stretch the legs. but i noticed its much easier walk at a high incline if your holding the side of the machine. am i losing effiency when i do this and cheating myself out of a good work out or does it not make a difference to the number of calories i burned?
  • melissa73
    melissa73 Posts: 368
    Yeah It does... I remember a scene from Biggest Looser where Jullian tells them to let go of the rails.. It takes awhile to get used to not holding on but it does get better... Also doing inclines on the treadmill for a good time is awesome work for your buttocks...
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Yep ..let go of those bars! It may take a little bit to get your balance but in the end it's a better workout!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I hold on, because the calories aren't worth me falling on my face!
    However, I do a high incline (between 9% and 10%) at 3.0mph.
    Not a cool down obviously.

    I may try to let go and see how well I can balance, but then I can't gauge my heartrate constantly.... :ohwell: