I need HELP with Lunch choices!!!



  • ShakenWithJoy
    if you have a microwave

    in a ramekin or small coffee cup:

    1 tsp of olive oil (or what you have)

    chop 3 slices of thin sliced deli smoked turkey ham (or your fav)
    place in cup like a nest for your egg

    crack an egg on top of the ham, make small slice into yolk so it doesn't explode
    season with pepper, a little salt if desired

    micro on high for at least 1 1/2 unit white part is done - my microwave takes 1 min 43 seconds.

    i pop these onto half an english muffin - yummy
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I make my tuna with Miracle Whip - that is one thing I will never completely give up - and I slice a quarter of an apple into it. Then, I eat the rest of the apple on the side. A tuna sandwich for me has one slice of whole wheat bread, an ounce of mild cheddar cheese, the tuna-apple mix and som lettuce. Yum, yum!

    One thing I do at lunch is make sure I get in some of my veggies. So, even if I decide to have a slice of pizza or something else fairly unhealthy, I have about the same amount of broccoli, carrots, or salad. And honesly, I eat the veggies first, then enjoy the other. :)