Does anyone train in Kung fu?

I was just wondering if anyone trains in Kung fu or another martial arts for that matte? I have been training for about two years and LOVE it. I was drawn in when my son was in a Karate class. The kung fu looked amazing and thought it would be a great and interesting way to simply lose weight. I get bored, easily. Two years later and it's just so much more to it than weight loss now that I am amazed at myself. Previously, my workout routines were basically Denise Austin workouts at home, some running, some swimming..... All for the sole purpose of losing that baby weight. Astonishingly, I have found a hobby that transfers into my lifestyle. Anyone else have that with martial arts or, I guess another passionate fitness interest?



  • sociable15
    Yep. Well, I have (right now I am a graduate student in my last year and working so the classes clash with my grad school schedule). But I did for two years in Wing Chun. Love it. Did some weapons training as well. :-)
  • nicolebenke
    nicolebenke Posts: 19 Member
    Started Tae Kwon Do last June and love it. Haven't seen any weight loss from it, but I do feel stronger and more fit because of it. I think it is important to do something that is fun, otherwise I burn out way too quickly!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I used to train in Escrima/ Kali which is Fillipino stick fighting. But while I was studying Escrima, my instructor also mixed in other martial arts like Muy Thai, Savate, Judo, some Brazilian Ju Jitsu and other arts. I really enjoyed it and I would love to start doing martial arts again.
  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    Haven't trained in kung fu. I'd love to eventually do some weapons training. My passion is in muay thai. Love it. I haven't found a school here that teaches it quite like the school I first began training in (Renaissance Academy of Martial Arts, in Virginia), but I'm planning to try a new school soon. My old school was named one of the top martial arts academies on Pretty cool. Right now, I'm training at my gym and occasionally will take the Fight Club class there. Not the same. As soon as my gym contract ends, I plan to start capoeira at UGA in addition to muay thai. So excited!!!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Started training in Shorin-Ryu Karate back in 1974. Trained and/or taught for 30 years. Tried many different styles of Martial Arts over the years. Kung Fu was one of them. Always enjoyed it. If you find a good instructor, regardless of the syle, stick with it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I did Tai Chi (two person sparring and weapons forms as well as the usual slow version) for 6 years. I was very sad to have to stop when we moved.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Awesome that there are so many because you don't see it discussed very often.

    There's a group practicing capoeira at our kwoon and it looks CRAZY cool. You really have to have a strong core to be turning and flipping like they do.

    RoadDog: A good instructor DOES make all the difference.

    Jmecale: I don't know Escrima. Unfortunately, my martial arts knowledge is limited.

    The style I am learning is Northern Shaolin, choy lay fut.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Awesome that there are so many because you don't see it discussed very often.

    There's a group practicing capoeira at our kwoon and it looks CRAZY cool. You really have to have a strong core to be turning and flipping like they do.

    RoadDog: A good instructor DOES make all the difference.

    Jmecale: I don't know Escrima. Unfortunately, my martial arts knowledge is limited.

    The style I am learning is Northern Shaolin, choy lay fut.

    I wish you success. It changed my life. There are many more benefits besides fitness and self-defense. The more you learn, the more you will realize how much more there is to learn. I still have friendships with students and teachers alike from the 70's, 80's, 90's and beyond.

    I don't consider my achievements to be my greatest accomplishments, but rather the people that I have had an effect on and those that have affected me.
  • crlujan
    crlujan Posts: 59
    I started MMA about a year ago. Mondays we work on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu technique. Tuesdays we work on Mui Thai kick-boxing. Thursdays we spar either the BJJ or the standup. Friday is an open class always different. I love it.

    That's how I got started on this weight loss thing. Then came MyFitnessPal. The. The gym. I like the Jiu Jitsu part the most. Keep it up
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Awesome that there are so many because you don't see it discussed very often.

    There's a group practicing capoeira at our kwoon and it looks CRAZY cool. You really have to have a strong core to be turning and flipping like they do.

    RoadDog: A good instructor DOES make all the difference.

    Jmecale: I don't know Escrima. Unfortunately, my martial arts knowledge is limited.

    The style I am learning is Northern Shaolin, choy lay fut.

    Here is a link that shows what escrima is. Check it out when you get a a chance...
  • sociable15
    I used to train in Escrima/ Kali which is Fillipino stick fighting. But while I was studying Escrima, my instructor also mixed in other martial arts like Muy Thai, Savate, Judo, some Brazilian Ju Jitsu and other arts. I really enjoyed it and I would love to start doing martial arts again.

    I love stick fighting. It's my weapons training of choice. :-)