I just don't think I can do this



  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    If you're not already, start measuring yourself and tracking the inches you can track here. You may find that you're getting smaller but not losing weight.

    You might also have just hit a plateau. If what you're doing isn't working any more, try something a little different. Shake things up! Drink a little more water. Try varying your exercise routine if you can. Walk at night instead of in the morning or vice versa. Eat less carbs and more protein. Don't lose hope! You've already lost 26 pounds in just a few months! Did you think you'd be able to manage that when you started?

    I agree- measuring's a complete must!! I've gotten to the scale-disappointment peak where I've decided not to step on every week, only every other or maybe even once a month. I don't feel as mentally healthy constantly focusing on that stupid number on the scale. It's easy to get obsessed with. I (and you) have to learn to focus on things like the way you feel eating healthier- don't you have more energy? I've noticed a huge difference in my energy level, strength level etc. I'm eating healthier, not eating all the junk I used to. I've only been working on things about three weeks, had lost 5 lbs as of last friday, stepped on today and had gained a pound then decided I need to overhaul the way I'm thinking about this. MEASURE!! Much better than the stupid scale :o) Plus the fact that MFP tracks the measurments you put in- it'll be just as rewarding to watch that tracker as it is to watch the pounds lost tracker. Also have to remind ourselves it's a sloooowww process. Nobody does it quick unless you're able to focus all day on it. (i.e. the weightloss shows where they're exercising for some freaky 6 hrs a day or something!) Keep holdin on!
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Congratulations - this is a good thing. You have been walking - building muscles, and eating what you are supossed to (hopefully enough). You are losing fat and gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. You are doing exactly what you should be doing, and your body is doing exactly what your body should be doing. It should be exciting. Except, the fact that the scale seems against you. I am excited for you. Hopefully on the first even the scale will show the results of your efforts!
    I know that it is so hard now, but hang with it. Please. You are worth it!
  • NikkiLynn76
    I want to thank everyone for the support during my melt down today. I had no intention of weighing until the 1st but I had a stressful week and I woke up stressed. I needed something positive so I figured my weight would be that. So when it was up, it was that much worse for me.

    To answer the questions.... Yes it is my TOM but I didn't know it could affect it that much. My sodium has been well under my goals for the most part and I am averaging 8 cups of water a day. Plus a lot of fresh fruit. I am supposed to eat 2010 calories a day right now but I have only been eating 1250-1450 or so and then burning an average of 400-500 a day. I am going to try upping my calories this week closer to the 2010 and still not eating back my exercise calories. I am going to be spring cleaning with my kids tomorrow so that will be my "work out" as I will be cleaning tons all day long. I am also going to start alternating walking and the 30 day shred again.

    I won't give up. I can't. I have three amazing kids who are counting on me to be there and be healthy.

    I am also going to keep weighing every week or two because I need to make sure I find that place that works for me as far as intake and exercise.

    I don't measure myself (I do measure and weigh my food), I never have but I will try next week to get a tape.
  • NeverTry
    NeverTry Posts: 26 Member
    First - don't worry about that stinkin scale. It likes to sabotage and bring us down. What you need to focus on is eating the right foods, exercising, and telling yourself that you love being you. I know it's a difficult thing to do in our positions, but you need to think about all the positive things in your life. Don't get down because that brings stress and stress brings the pounds. Love yourself first.
    Second - take measurements. I haven't lost much weight, but I can see and feel a difference and others can too because I've lost inches and have gained some muscle. You will too.
    Hang in there buddy. You absolutely CAN do this and we're all here for you!

    This is great advice..

    The weight loss path is not easy, or we would all look like models.
    The fact that you are here is great.. maybe tweak your plans...Then take a deep breath and say, Ok so that week wasnt my best, Now only look forward..
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    Check this out, you have a couple of choices here 1) Stick with the plan and tweak it a little, try harder every day and the weight will come off OR 2) Quit trying and stay the same or get bigger. I'm an expert quitter, I've done it many, many times and maybe you have too. Maybe you don't think your health, vitality and future are worth the effort it takes to live a healthful life. But you are worth it.

    Since you're worth it I'm going to give similar advice as others because it's good advice. Change something this week. Maybe it will be deciding to get the water intake up, to give up a food that you know is a problem, to add 5 minutes each day to your workout routine, to be carefully diligent about recording your calories in and excercise calories, something needs a little change. You know what it is so change it and then see.

    When we were gaining weight we didn't gain every week. I'm sure had we weighed in when we were out of control we would have seen many weeks where we stayed the same or maybe lost a pound or two, but the overall trend was UP. You may not lose every week, but the overall trend is DOWN and that's just what you want. Stick with it you are worth it and your children are worth it!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Quitting isn't going to make you feel better. The way I see it, if you want to improve your life you have no choice but to continue.