How are you able to drink so much water?



  • dalscruf
    dalscruf Posts: 30 Member
    I used to drink Dr. Pepper constantly. I eventually got down to 2 cans a day, then 1 can a day, then last February I just stopped buying it completely! I only buy water, milk, coke (for my fiance.... and for my captain morgan lol), and beer (again, for my fiance). If you're not thirsty just take sips every now and then. When you have your meals try to take a sip between each or every other bite!
  • Ekaette07
    Ekaette07 Posts: 29 Member
    What has helped me is splitting up my water consumption method throughout the day. I'm at work from 8:30-4:30pm. I make myself drink at least 2 20 oz bottles (5 cups) of water before I leave work. Usually I finish my first one by 12:30-1pm and then finish my second one by 4:30. Then I drink half a bottle before I start exercising and then finish the other half when I'm done ( I only workout for about 30 minutes right now). Then I drink my last 20 oz. bottle with dinner. Under this schedule I get about 8-10 glasses of water in. If I'm really thirsty, I'll keep drinking water of course, but I try to at least get in my 80 oz pf water.

    I know some people like to add lemon or lime or some type of fruit, but I just prefer mine plain as long as it's at a cool temp.

    Hope that helps!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    Does temperature matter to you? During the winter I drink a lot of HOT water because I'm so very cold all the time. Otherwise I need my water refrigerator cold. My husband likes water room temperature (personally--BLECH!!). I also do the "pretty bottle" trick.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    I love water,over about 2 years I was able to cut off any other liquid consumption,and depend on water as my main source of hydration,I occasionally have alcohol and teas,but on workout days its usually limited to my freshly juiced orange juice in the morning and my water which can vary between 6-8(2 gallons) spread over the whole day.

    NEVER try to drink a lot in one go,it can kill you,try to spread it out,I carry a litre( 4 cups) size bottle with me everywhere,and a pint glass on my desk is always there,so it all adds up eventually,when it comes to water I think BIG. lol
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    EbonyGemstoneHealth Posts: 249 Member
    I love water,over about 2 years I was able to cut off any other liquid consumption,and depend on water as my main source of hydration,I occasionally have alcohol and teas,but on workout days its usually limited to my freshly juiced orange juice in the morning and my water which can vary between 6-8(2 gallons) spread over the whole day.

    NEVER try to drink a lot in one go,it can kill you,try to spread it out,I carry a litre( 4 cups) size bottle with me everywhere,and a pint glass on my desk is always there,so it all adds up eventually,when it comes to water I think BIG. lol
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I don't.
    On average I'm lucky if I drink one or two 500 ml bottles of water and that's usually only when I'm exercising or shortly thereafter. Even then, because I don't like the tastelessness of water, I add the juice of half a lemon.
    Instead, I eat a diet high in water-rich vegetables, low-sodium clear broth and copious amounts of herbal teas.

    You body needs water in order for your kidneys to operate efficiently and to help prevent toxic buildup in the body. And clear water is the number one choice. But sometimes you just do the best you can given your preferences, lifestyle, and eating habits.
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    One of the first success stories I read on here, the woman who wrote it said she keeps a bottle of water on her nightstand and chugs it first thing. I started doing this after reading it, and it really makes a difference for me. Before my feet hit the ground, I’ve already consumed 1/4 of my day’s requirement. By the time I have my big mug of tea, I’ve had 32 ounces. I have always been a person who only drank with meals, and even then, would maybe consume 20 ounces of liquid in a whole day. I now easily hit my 8 glasses of water because I start my day with a big dose AND because I have cut out soda and iced tea (which is 99% f what I was drinking before).

    Also, I drink a combination of filtered water (room temp) and refrigerated water which I keep in a pitcher with either mint or, my current fave, discarded pineapple core. These slightly flavored waters feel like a treat and they are great for cutting in to a sugared beverage (like lemonade) to make a lower calorie, and lower sugar sweet drink.
  • mowrynation
    Try adding a slice of lemon or lime to your water for a little flavor. I add Arbonne fizz tabs to mine twice a day, comes in citrus and pomagranate. They give me a little boost along with curbing my appetite. My husband uses 1/2 a tab in his 32oz water and I use a whole tab in my 16oz water. depends on how you like it. Only 10 calories a tab and no artificial sweetners!

    I also make sure that I drink a glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning and have one when I go to bed!
    Hope this helps :-)
    All the Best
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    Does temperature matter to you? During the winter I drink a lot of HOT water because I'm so very cold all the time. Otherwise I need my water refrigerator cold. My husband likes water room temperature (personally--BLECH!!). I also do the "pretty bottle" trick.

    In the summer I want very cold water, but 9 months of the year my bottles just sit on the floor and I drink from that. Or if I'm using tap, then I have it room temp.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I have to thank my parents! Growing up they didn't allow us much soda and other bad drinks. But we always had fresh spring water! It's all I drink
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I don't.
    On average I'm lucky if I drink one or two 500 ml bottles of water and that's usually only when I'm exercising or shortly thereafter. Even then, because I don't like the tastelessness of water, I add the juice of half a lemon.
    Instead, I eat a diet high in water-rich vegetables, low-sodium clear broth and copious amounts of herbal teas.

    You body needs water in order for your kidneys to operate efficiently and to help prevent toxic buildup in the body. And clear water is the number one choice. But sometimes you just do the best you can given your preferences, lifestyle, and eating habits.

    But water is for so much more than just that. If nothing else I make sure to get my water, I feel so much better when I have it, it's so important for our brains. I tell my kids all the time it's brain food. My focus, and memory and everything is so much better with it.
  • octoberschilde
    I sip on a glass of water while surfing MFP! I find that before I know it the glass is empty and then I refill
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I think of it as a magical weight loss drink lol...seriously! I add a little lemon juice in it...I make sure I drink out of a pre-measured water bottle so I know how much I need to down by the time the day is for an added bonus I drink 16 oz of pure green tea and use it as water I'll have 40 oz of water down by the time the work day is over...than 16 at supper to wash my food down (for every bite have a sip of water) and than 32 oz during and after my work out. I do this every day. Eventually you'll crave water...I now have a water bottle in my truck, sometimes it goes in my purse with me lol your constant bathroom runs will stop too, your body is just flushing toxins and getting use to the hydration. I also don't drink anything else, even at resturants, it's always water with a lemon in it.
  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    carry a gallon of water around with me everywhere i go
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I use to drink maybe a glass a day. Ick. Water? Tasteless. Once I made the choice to stop drinking soda and drink water I bought myself a good Brita pitcher and keep the water always filled. It filters the water AND keeps it really cold. I also use a sports bottle (mine holds 24oz) and keep it always with me. Now... I love my water and when I do have a drink of soda it is just too sweet to even enjoy.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I put some lemon or lime in it. I'm drinking an abnormally high amount lately because I'm trying to get rid of a pesky kidney stone...good times!
  • Bockety
    Bockety Posts: 21
    I have a free app on my phone - Med Minder - and at first I set it just to remember my regular meds twice a day. Then I added a "med" - water. It goes off eight times a day reminding me to drink up!
  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    When I started drinking water way back a few yrs ago I started by making myself drink 8 oz before I had my coffee and anything else I drank. I only drank water with meals and now I love it crave it and only drink 1 or2 cups of coffee and the rest of my drinking is water!!
  • dixiechicdana
    I hate water but I am going to try to just drink 1 cup an hour. It might help breaking it down like that.
  • HannahPastoor
    Use a straw! It goes down faster.

    Agree! I love my cup that has a straw : ) I got it off Amazon....It rocks!