Increased calories and gained help !!



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I started in aug last year and been eating 1200 cals, but not lost weight. I've now increased to 1500, and gained 2.3/4 in a week. What the he'll is going on !!! Feel so sad :-((. Any advice ?

    It's probably water / glyocogen refuelling or undigested food in the digestive tract. Its common to see a short term spike in scale weight when you up calories, especially if you are a low carber and introduce a higher %.

    Have you gained 2-3lbs of pure fat in a week on 1,500 calories a day, especially when exercising? I highly doubt it. It would either mean your maintenance calories are 500 per day (or less!) or you are indulging in some serious bingeing which you are not telling us about.

    Don't worry about it for the time being. You might want to consider tracking your measurements / bf% to get a much better idea of what is going on.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I started in aug last year and been eating 1200 cals, but not lost weight. I've now increased to 1500, and gained 2.3/4 in a week. What the he'll is going on !!! Feel so sad :-((. Any advice ?

    It's probably water / glyocogen refuelling or undigested food in the digestive tract. Its common to see a short term spike in scale weight when you up calories, especially if you are a low carber and introduce a higher %.

    Have you gained 2-3lbs of pure fat in a week on 1,500 calories a day, especially when exercising? I highly doubt it. It would either mean your maintenance calories are 500 per day (or less!) or you are indulging in some serious bingeing which you are not telling us about.

    Don't worry about it for the time being. You might want to consider tracking your measurements / bf% to get a much better idea of what is going on.

    its nice not to see someone automaticlly scream starvation mode for once lol
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    Thanks for sticking up for me, lol. I'm just trying to help and have got a lot of people annoyed. It's just advice, no one has to take it. I have Spina Bifida and am confined to a wheelchair. I have a dietician who told me I should burn more than I eat, makes sense to me for anyone trying to lose weight to do that.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Thanks for sticking up for me, lol. I'm just trying to help and have got a lot of people annoyed. It's just advice, no one has to take it. I have Spina Bifida and am confined to a wheelchair. I have a dietician who told me I should burn more than I eat, makes sense to me for anyone trying to lose weight to do that.

    I think the problem a lot of people had is that you gave the advice without understanding the reasoning behind eating the exercise calories.

    The way MFP is set up, you already burn off more than you eat- even without working out. Most nutrition plans are not set up in this fashion, so it causes a lot of confusion. If you go to your "goals" page (it's a button under the My Home tab) you will see a number marked "Calories burned from Daily activity" - This is how much MFP estimates you burn everyday from your particular level or activity. It should be 500 or 1000 calories more than your daily goal - this accounts for your deficit. Because of this though, you need to eat back all or most of your exercise calories to avoid undereating (running too big of a deficit can have negative effects).

    It is counter intuitive to "eat back your exercise calories" but the tool MFP is designed for you to try to match your Net Calories to your Goal calories. Does this all make sense?

    You can ask your dietician, I bet s/he'd back me up on the dangers of undereating.
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    anyone give me advice to my question ?
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    sorry that was meant to say anymore advice, thanks to those who have already given it. I am just trying to get feel for ideas to change my diet or workouts.

  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    my advice is to get 30g of protein in at breakfast, this is 2 fold in purpose. 1) it gets the metabolic rate fired up and 2) it will help provide you with the protein required to get that muscle building process going. I highly recommend that you take some time to read my blog post about working out like crazy and reduced cals and not losing. You have the right idea you just need a slightly tweaked application is all. workout change I recommend High intensity interval training and metabolic resistance training.
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Hey, thanks for that, have read most of your blog, will read through it again and again so it sinks in. Use to be one of those that just reduced food and could lose a few pounds like that. Now taking more interest in what i eat and trying to make better choices and understanding now I am an older lady (lol), I need to work harder. Will stick with eating 1500 cals (this includes my exercise burn) for a few weeks more and see what affect that has, too scared to go higher at mo.

  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member
  • elizamc
    elizamc Posts: 285 Member