If someone stays under in calories.. but eats bad..



  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I'd wait until they have any kinds of questions or problems with the weight loss itself. Then bring up the quality of the food they're eating as a possible source of trouble.

    I completely agree with this!!! Good thought with an awesome approach!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603

    BTW, calorie intake aside, who cares how skinny you are if you die by the age of 40 from a heart attack??

    Great point!!! ps- don't look at what i ate today!!! Mcdonalds and bratwurst!!!
  • elyse0210
    elyse0210 Posts: 142 Member
    I was going to post a similar question. There is someone on my friends list who goes over on calories and then spends the entire day trying to burn them off. Some of the food is healthy and some isn't. I don't say anything because maybe this is working for her. If she wanted advice I'd give it but I don't think it's any of my business to comment on someones choices. I like most of us have our bad days or junk food days and I think that's ok. For the people who eat this way all the time, just because they are loosing weight doesn't mean they aren't affecting other areas of their bodies.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    i think that people are on this site for different reasons & if that person really enjoys the junk they're eating & that is their prerogative, then good for them if they are still losing the weight they're trying to lose. not everyone is here to eat healthier necessarily & i doubt they think they're eating ubber healthy, so it'd be a waste of time to point it out to them & might be offensive, besides you don't know how they ate before this site... their one cheeseburger a day now, might've been 3 big macs a day before they joined mfp. we are all here for support, not judgment.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    It really depends on the person. I try to always be encouraging and uplifting. Losing weight and eating healthy is very hard for most of us. Unless someone really wants me to critique their day i just lift them up. I think most ppl are very hard on themselves without someone adding to it (that wasn't asked to).

    I couldn't have said it better myself!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    I know that I, personally would like it if someone would say to me "Hey you know that such and such that you ate for lunch may not be the best thing to eat." I may have a perfectly good reason for why it was eaten (there is a sort of struggle on the homefront with food and what/how it's being prepared so there is a lot of leeway right now until everyone is on the same page) but if the comment isn't nasty then it shouldn't offend. I know I'm the first to admit I am so not the greatest when it comes to what is best to eat and whats the best way to diet and what exercises are best. I like any feedback that can help me that I can get!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Thanks.. just an FYI Im not talking about just a friend on here.. a real life friend. She has been attempting to lose for so long with such little results :( Makes my heart sad

    That's different. If it's a "real life" proper friend it's more complicated. I guess you know your friend best, to know if she'd be offended if you mentioned it or not.

    I've got a few people in my office into fitness. I coached two guys through their first half marathons and advise a female colleague with her food. However, they all came to me for advice because they wanted to change... I wouldn't force my views on anyone.

    It's more complicated with a friend.
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I would love to see my mom lose significant weight so being under eating crap but her sticking with it is most important right now...maybe in the future if her health concerns have not been eliminated by decreased weight alone I would comment on nutrtrition...I think it depends on where the person is in this journey and what their goals are...also if they seem to be working on misinformation etc...I am dying to clue a lady I know in that her calories burned estimations are WRONG but she won't listen so I leave it be.

    That is exactly how I feel. I gotta do what I gotta do to lose weight and if that means 100 calorie packs or a taco bell bean burrito once in a while then thats what I am going to do to stay on track. I can't go from eating crap daily to broiled chicken and spinach every day.. NO WAY, not going to happen. My # 1 goal at this point is to stay under calories.. I can't be worried about all ingredients and sodium and all that crap because it's hard enough to just stay under calories for me so thats what I have to focus on. I make better and better choices every day and thats all I can ask for. So I would prolly take offense if you made comments like that on my diary just for those reasons... But like someone else said if they arent losing weight and wondering why then thats where you can clue them in, and don't forget to tell them alternatives when you do clue them in. :) have a good day
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    MYOB unless someone asks.
    I'm eating more salads & fewer desserts now than before I started, but that's because my main concern is calorie intake.
    So, if I now eat a single hamburger w/o mayo, a small order of fries, and water; that's fewer calories than a double cheeseburger, large fries, and a malt. Probably somewhat healthier, too, but to reiterate, that's not my main concern.
    I don't aspire to be a health nut. I just want to lose some weight.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I think it depends on a few things. If they are someone you know then you could say something. If you don't know them personally then I wouldn't unless they ask. The thing is some people have bad days. If say they had pizza I would look at the rest of their day. I would look at their week, maybe look for a pattern. I am having pizza tonight. I worked out I have room for the calories, and I would be upset if someone commented on it. The rest of my eating, I think looks good.

    The people that get my goat are the ones who complain about not losing and whine, but when you look at thier journal they are eating junk.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    For me.. it depends on the person. Some people on here i talk to more often than others. I'm not afraid to confront them, because I know their goals and such. Some make terrible choices... and I just look and don't comment. I also look before I say something, and if I see a day full of beer and chocolate ...I just don't comment.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    I don't give high 5's for diets I don't think are healthy - nor do I kudos you if you ate too little. Just me, just my own opinion. If I eat something unhealthy, I *know* so I don't need anyone telling me to "watch out" or "be careful" either - I just try to mind my own business. If I see someone doing good, I say so - if I don't think it's their best effort, I don't say a word.

    Two exceptios;

    If you ask if you are doing good - and I see changes that will help you, I'll suggest them.

    If you b!tch moan whine and complain that you haven't lost any weight - and you are not eating right or getting very little exercise, I'll let you know how I feel.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    this topic reminds me of a documentary I saw. was actually recommended in another thread by another MFP member. If you have Netflix check out "Fat Head"

    to summarize it a guy eats only fast food for almost a month. breakfast, lunch, dinner. making sure to stay within his daily calorie intake for maintence. some surprising results. he also covers other things about nutrition and heart health. makes you think, even if you don't believe it all.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I would love it if those who looked at my diary could make better suggestions for me- I mean, isn't that what we are here for??
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Two exceptios;

    If you ask if you are doing good - and I see changes that will help you, I'll suggest them.

    If you b!tch moan whine and complain that you haven't lost any weight - and you are not eating right or getting very little exercise, I'll let you know how I feel.

  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I would love it if those who looked at my diary could make better suggestions for me- I mean, isn't that what we are here for??

    no not everyone is here for the same thing,I am not here to be held accountable by anyone but myself.I have actually compleatly locked my diary and turned off the notification for when I compleat my day.but thats just me
  • Jillian2128
    Jillian2128 Posts: 71 Member
    i think its unnecessary unless they specifically ask for opinions...