how do i know when it's safe?

To start excercising after being sick? if i wait until the cough is totally gone, it might be june, and i'm really not willing to wait that long. just when i feel like it again? cause i'm pretty stupid when it comes to waiting long enough. any ideas, things to look for? (jeez, my mom's a nurse, you'd think i'd be smarter than this. SHE said to wait until i'm not coughint at all. seriously?)


  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    My rule of thumb, which has served me well, is if it's anything above the neck (runny nose etc) I carry on training, anything below the neck (chesty cough etc) and I rest til it's better.
  • I am getting over asthmatic bronchitis.....I still have my cough.....I waited until I could workout without hacking up half a lung because i couldnt breath. I would start small and if you start coughing uncontrolably I would wait and try again the next day...thats what I did.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Doctors advice - no question. Don't even think about asking unqualified people on here (including me)