What or Who was your inspiration that got you motivated to l



  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I think one of my biggest motivatora was when I went tithe doctor the last tome an he said we need to start talking about blood pressure mediation. I had just turned 32. I don't want to be on bp meds the rest of my life. I'm already on daily meds for severe asthma. That was it for me. I started doing it on my own lost about 10 pounds (and that was around the holidays) then in Jan o found MFP. Here I am 75 days later and 17 pounds lighter.
  • ERapp01
    ERapp01 Posts: 32 Member
    I’m 28 lbs lighter since Jan 1st. I work in the health care industry and I’m 100 lbs. over weight. I feel like such a hypocrite, for being over weight. At the end of last year my knees began to hurt during my presentations. I’m only 43 years old and I get a constant reminder of all the diseases and medications that are part of an unhealthy life style.

    I have never lost 28lbs on my own before. I have always looked for the easy way of weight loss. I feel this time is different! I’m not on a diet on living a healthy life style. I walk or go to the gym 6 days a week. I’m cook at home most of my meals and taking vitamins.

  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My neices and my nephew are my inspiraton to loose weight ! I want to always be around for them they are 10, 8, 5, and 5 months and they are excited to see that auntie is losing weight !