Feeling Guilty?????

Do you feel guilty on occasion??? I have a treat once a week and last night I had some tortilla chips with salsa and sour cream. I am feeling awfully guilty today. I wouldn't have felt guilty 3 months ago..ugg!!!1


  • phnx72
    phnx72 Posts: 47 Member
    I feel guilty a lot. It's like there's nothing I can eat that doesn't have something wrong with it.
  • crazyeaCHANGED
    Your snack looks perfectly fine to me. Is it the amount you are having issue with?

    I like to have some Que Pasa Tortilla chips as they are not too high in sodium, low fat sour cream, and salsa on occassion as well.
  • XBabigrl72
    I do every time my BF says sound you eat that, or ask me if I'm really hungry or just eating because I'm bored (yeah, I'm a bored eater) But just try to remind yourself you need to treat yourself at least once a week because this is a diet not a punishment.
  • flynowhawk
    I would say don't feel guilty, remember all things in moderation. So you had one bad day and you ate something or more of something then you should have. I have found that if I denie the craving I will end up eating a bunch of other empty calories or other things and then still eating what I originally craved. So now I eat that 2 or 3 oreos but I don't do something like eat 1/2 the package. I would look at how did you do over all for the week, what is the average. I had a bad eating day this Thursday and I over ate but when I look at the whole week I am still under and on target. So Dont feel guilty unless it is a trend or if you are on the down ward spiral.

  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I don't really feel guilty about things, but sometimes I get upset at myself if I go overboard! The way I look at it is that this is an uphill battle. It's much easier to eat and eat and put the weight on but harder to take it off. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was my body so it's gonna take me some time and retraining to get it off. If I slip up here and there then I don't mind! Giving yourself a treat isn't bad either! If you're sticking to good portions, or ones you can live with, then there's no problem with it! You can always work it off or work it into your calories or just take it and keep going! :)
  • puddyone
    puddyone Posts: 10
    Don't feel guilty! I recently went to a nutritionalist who said "if you deny yourself, you will crave it, so have it, but remember to have it only once in a while, and always in moderation". I agree, I know when I desperately try to ignore the little voice telling me not to have something terribly high in calories, I will have twice as much. But every now and then I give in and just have a little serve and all is good.. My craving has been silenced and I don't feel guilty for over-indulging. I also think that as long as it's within your calorie goals for the week, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it. I always keep an eye on my Weekly Net, moreso than my Daily Net.

    We all know it is hard, but enjoy your treats.... feeling guilty will only put you back on the vicious circle of eat, guilt, eat to feel better, guilt, eat to feel better, guilt...

  • mom2claudia
    Definitely DON'T feel guilty. It's better to have an occasional not-so-healthy but still portioned snack than it is to deny and find yourself breaking down a few days later and eating an entire bag of chips or something.
  • Beastiephile
    I feel guilty when I go out to eat. That's something I used to do up to 3 times a day out of convenience, and now I go out to eat maybe once every few weeks or so, like on special occasions. Yesterday for lunch we went to an Indian buffet. I only had one plate of food, and it was all vegetable dishes (lentils, cauliflower, and a couple other things) but I still felt horrible after like i'd just binged!!

    I guess eating healthy becomes a habit, a way of life, and you know it's the right thing to do...so when you treat yourself it feels like "cheating". But I think everything is okay in moderation.
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I totally feel guilty! Three days ago I had sushi and miso soup. I told myself that would be my weekly treat. The next day, I went out and got a grilled chicken sandwich with mushrooms nad melted swiss with sweet potato fries and then yesterday I had chinese!!!! SUPER GUILTY NOW.....But, I'm not gonna beat myself up. Today is a new day and I WILL do better...That's all we can do. We are human, we are not perfect, We will be subject to temptation...we will indulge once in a while. We will then make better decisions and we will be okay. :) Hang in there....I have to pep talk myself like that daily. LOL
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I never feel guilty
  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    I never feel guilty

    I need that mentatlity! ....guilt is the worst feeling in the world. I just got on the scale and I'm now up 3 pounds. No more eating out for me!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I never feel guilty

    I need that mentatlity! ....guilt is the worst feeling in the world. I just got on the scale and I'm now up 3 pounds. No more eating out for me!!!

    I just cant beat myself up for something thats done.nor can I see myself being perfect nutrion wise the rest of my life.I found a balance that works for me.even if I am over my calories it really dosent mean i'll gain usally I just wont lose and thats fine for me to.If i treat myself and go out and have fun or drink to much im not going to ruin it by feeling guilty the next day I used to when i first started but i was misrable and would have giving up by now if i hadent changed my outlook and allowed myself to be bad everynow and then
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There's a lot of things I feel guilty about. I feel guilty that I hadn't visited my father for two weeks when he suddenly passed away, although I talked to him daily. I feel guilty that my husband has a really hard job he hates, and I'm out of work. I even feel stupidly guilty that my mom had a hard time during her pregnancy with me, as if it was my fault! :laugh:

    But over food? No. There's no guilt in pleasure to me. If I eat something that's not exactly health food, it's because I want it and it gives me pleasure. If it makes me happy, it served a purpose. If it didn't make me happy... if it wasn't "worth" the "sacrifices" I'd have to make by eating it (going over calories, eating less of something else, working out more, maybe a few ounces I didn't lose come weigh-in day), then I consider it a lesson learned and won't do that again. At least not for a very long time.

    Fast food falls under that category. It sounds like a good idea, but when I have it, I think, "What did I do that for?! It wasn't even GOOD!" It's something I have maybe once or twice a year, at most, and typically only when there's very few alternatives, like when we're on a road trip with the dog and can't stop for a real sit-down meal.

    But just about everything else, like goodies or booze? That's a conscious decision and I regret none of it! :smile:
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I feel guilty if I don't go to the gym. I generally eat quite healthy, so I try not to get too upset with myself when I vary from the norm. I just need to make sure that the "treats" don't *become* the norm! But it's the exercising (or lack thereof) that I feel guilty about.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I rarely feel guilty...we're making lifestyle changes, not trying to become "perfect". Indulging a bit, whether it's a bit of ice cream, a couple glasses of wine, or some chips and salsa is all about enjoying life!
  • allisonmvieira
    I did in the beginning but now I don't get those feelings as much. Yesterday was my birthday so I knew that I was going to go over my calorie goal. I went to the gym in the morning and did 40 min on the elliptical. By exercising I felt that I could put off the guilt feelings that I knew I would have otherwise. Don't feel guilty when you go a bit over. If your calorie goals are low to begin withm the occasional extra calories won't railroad your progress.