Bouncing around in the 180s for almost 2 months!

I have been slacking. I have been eating junk. I have lost motivation! I really just want to need to see 179 at least on the scale! I need to be accountable! I am starting a new job on Monday and would hate to go in there with this blah attitude! I am needing major motivation this weekend!


  • EmmaRankmore
    When this sort of thing happened to me, I gave myself a big kick up the backside and got straight on my exercise bike. I logged ALL my foods so that I could see what I was doing wrong, and then started making small changes til I got the eating under control.

    You can definitely get things under control - you've done it before and you can do it again! :) Congrats on the new job!! Maybe try and look at the positives as well - you've lost a great amount of weight so far already and thats great work!
  • celeste2u
    celeste2u Posts: 34
    I have stuck at the same place since Thanksgiving. I honestly am not sure how to get back to that same mentality as before. All I know is that I will fake it til i make it. I have been consistent in my workouts, and that helps. Dont give up. I believe we all go through this at one time or the other. Weightloss is not a race. Don't beat yourself up, and just keep moving.
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    I am with you, my motivation has dropped along with my weight. My problem is I go to the gym 3x a week for weight training and cardio. And my weight has stayed the same since last June actually it went up from doing weights and I know it is completely 100% my diet is why. I sensitive to insulin (not diabetic) just makes me gain weight and not feel so great, so at this time I am trying to go primal eating I have done it before that is how I lost all my weight I just cannot seem to stick to it now. Anyone have any suggestions. Hang in their we will get this thing under control
  • kmalex
    kmalex Posts: 39 Member
    You can do it girl! Making this post was the first step. The second one is getting back on track! We all have those days, weeks, and months where we aren't as good (I was stuck in the 230's for 5 weeks!) but when we decide that it's time to get back on track we can! That's the great part about this journey. It is a journey not a one way street. All you have to do is get up, move around, and go for it again! Set a new goal, find some new, fun, HEALTHY food ideas, get back to the gym (or home gym), and just get started!

    Good Luck! And congrats on the new job!