How do you lose weight when you don't weigh too much?

roxie0920 Posts: 41
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm a little frustrated. I'm trying to get into better shape (aren't we all), and I'm annoyed. I have a small, variable goal. I want to lose about 10lbs. That's how much I gained this winter. I say variable goal because I don't actually need to lose all the weight I gained, as I would be satisfied with just looking toned like I did before. The matter is that I don't weigh too much. I'm at a perfectly healthy weight. This is my third month of "getting in shape". I've lost 2 lbs. Three months and two pounds isn't really encouraging. Here's what my exercise routine typically looks like: 4 days a week I do 36 minutes of high intensity aerobics followed by a 15 minute strength training interval (I'm currently not using weights and it still kicks my butt), and then 15 minutes on the elliptical. The other 3 days I do 45-75 minutes on the elliptical. If I'm sore from my strength training segment, I'll take it easy on the elliptical the following day. I burn about 550 calories a day from exercise (I use a HRM). My daily calorie requirement according to MFP is 1290 for a 1/2 lb loss per week. I consume about 1400 calories per day just to be on the safe side; I don't want to enter starvation mode, and I want to make sure I'm giving my body enough fuel. I know that if I stayed at 1290 and didn't eat more, I'd lose the weight; it's worked before, but I'm not interested in just losing, I'm interested in being in better shape. I do not believe that I haven't lost any lbs because I've built muscle. Any advice would be appreciated. Should I: Exercise more? Exercise less? Eat more? Eat less? Am I doing the wrong exercises? Here are some things I have tried: Not eating back calories = weight loss. Eating back calories = weight gain. Staggering = No change. Eating extra for a couple days then returning to my schedule = weight gain. Taking a few days off from exercise then returning to schedule = weight gain. I really feel like because I'm small (I'm 5'2" and 118lbs) my body fights weight loss. There is plethora of information out there, and believe me, I've read a lot of it, but I know that not all of it is correct and not all of it is applicable to me. I'm not someone who expects immediate results. I know that I'm not going to lose a ton of weight right away. But I really look forward to the point where I can fit back into my clothes and just exercise to maintain. So, like I said, any advice would be appreciated.
Also, I'm sorry I wrote such a book!


  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I know this is probably not what you want to hear...but maybe you should just focus on fitness and literally put your scale in the closet.

    Take measurements and keep setting fitness goals for yourself. If your pictures are current, you definitely don't need to lose weight in my opinion! :)
  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
  • roxie0920
    roxie0920 Posts: 41
    You can tell me what I don't want to hear, I wouldn't ask questions if I didn't want honest answers. Add 10 lbs of fat to my pictures. :)
  • Bexster88
    Bexster88 Posts: 35
    I have a friend who did the same workout routine for years and after two weeks on here and she hadn't lost weight, someone suggested she switch up her routine and do sometime her body wasn't used to at all. She lost over a pound that week. So you might try that.

    Also, make sure the calories you are eating are healthy calories. A lot of people on here refer to it as "skinny fat" if you are eating junk but staying in your calorie limit. You may be skinny, but you don't get that toned look if you aren't making sure your body is getting enough protein, fiber, and veggies and fruits. So maybe see if there is a lot of sugar and enriched and processed foods to cut out of your diet and try that for awhile.

    Hope those suggestions help.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Weight training along with cardio helps. When do your cardio on the treadmill/eliptical try intense training. I hear that muscles have memory so you might want to try that. Your in same boat as me and I understand what your going through. Intense training means to bump up the speed or incline for a few minutes and then go back to where you were and repeat a few times. Your muscles won't know what is happening next and will burn more. This will help your muscles tone and burn cals. Hope this helps. All the best to you and your goals.
  • Imthatg1rl
    Imthatg1rl Posts: 109
    Focus on being healthy, put away the scale. If you feel good, keep doing what you are doing because you are on the right track. As far as exercises go, I am a big fan of Pilates and Yoga myself, you build strength, flexibility and stamina with both.
  • roxie0920
    roxie0920 Posts: 41
    All good advice, and much appreciated. I have my protein and fiber settings boosted up. I like to be strong and regular :) I have noticed that I eat a lot of sugar. It's everywhere!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    I totally relate to your situation. About 2 years ago I was about 8 lbs heavier than normal. I'm 5'5 & have pretty much easily kept between 116-122 lbs my entire adult life. All of a sudden (see profile...lots of stuff happened in my life at once) I was almost 130lbs. Clothes were tight, I was uncomfortable in my own skin.

    I have now been back at my normal weight since about January 2010 & actually all of my clothes from before I even gained weight are too big even though I'm at my old weight. I did p90x to start the ball rolling in June 2009. It took 47 days of that wonderful program for me to lose 1 stinkin pound!!! But I kept at it & my body was transforming. I then went on to do other things (see profile), but I think the bottom line for my success was 2 things: lifting heavy weights & getting my diet super clean and in check. Actually now my abs look better than ever & I'm mighty impressed with my arms....& I'm 38 years old so I'm pretty happy about that. I have always taken 1 complete rest day a week & I don't spend hours & hours working out everyday.

    Another thing that I do now when I've got a bit off track (after holidays or vacation, etc) is a few weeks of circuit work (for examples look at clips of Paul Katami's Bootcamp & Hardball workouts, Kelly Coffey Myer's Circuit Burn, Bob Harper Inside Out Method workouts...)

    Good luck to you & I hope you figure out what works for you!!
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