TOM weight averagely that females normally put on!

fattybumchum22 Posts: 39 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I always feel discouraged during this time i seem to put on 4lbs!!!!! :( how does every one else feel and weigh generally during TOM?

Ta muchly



  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i can put on 2 lbs during that TOM. Some months is more some less.
  • monkeybuttsmommy
    monkeybuttsmommy Posts: 343 Member
    Im about the same as you. Your retaining water and water is rather heavy. Hang in there.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Argh hate TOM! I usually put on at least 2-3 lbs plus all the bloating too makes me measure bigger also! I just started a challenge on Monday and of course TOM had to curse me that day lol. Just exercise the best you can and drink lots of water to flush all the water weight. Good luck to you:)
  • dababers
    dababers Posts: 135
    Doctors have said that women can retain anywhere from 2 to 6 pounds before, during and after that TOM. I usually hold about 3....and it's that TOM for me....but this month I seem to be beating the odds. Once the heat hits, it only gets worse...but then again, you sweat more.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I know it is soooo very discouraging, I try to use that time to really challenge myself to get through it as cleanly as possible, and then really pat myself on the back at the end when it all disappears magically, I find it motivates me to really work harder the week after....perhaps it can for you too. good luck
  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    Ughhhh...usually 3-6lbs.
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Uh, this might seem like a dumb question, but what is TOM?
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    usually 3 lbs but it goes down a few days later, i just dont weigh myself during that time
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Time Of Month
    Uh, this might seem like a dumb question, but what is TOM?
  • rjnandjosh
    rjnandjosh Posts: 168
    Time of the month
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    Don't weight yourself during that time. I put on like 2-3lbs too, so I just decided not to weigh myself that whole week. Better for my sanity.
  • fattybumchum22
    fattybumchum22 Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks girlies! feel much better now! Ive just started drinking green tea and im addicted! i feel great these past couple of days apart from TOM!!!!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Just a little heads up on green tea, while it is good for you, it stains your teeth as bad if not worse that cigarettes (dentist told me)
    Thanks girlies! feel much better now! Ive just started drinking green tea and im addicted! i feel great these past couple of days apart from TOM!!!!
  • MightyMae1
    MightyMae1 Posts: 208
    Time of the month

    Thanks. Yep, I too, have forsworn weigh-ins for that week...and the week before too. My body is just too crazy.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I find when I get my gallon or more a day, that I don't gain as much during that time. For instance today, I weighed in before exercising and was at 119.6 and when I was weighed in after was at 117.6. Used to be, that I would drop 4-5 pounds of water weight. But now, if I consistantly get my water and exercise, that number is down.

    I might add that I currently am in my monthly cycle.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    I hate "TOM" its annoying and fustrating so i try to avoid the scale during that time and into the following wk. I can gain anywhere bt 3-6lbs it seems usually right before I start and It seems like it takes a wk or so after TOM is over with till it goes back to normal again so Idk its so annoying...! its like a 2wk span during that time, where i dont really know where my weight REALLY actually is truley at because its so all over the map :/
  • seemae
    seemae Posts: 38
    Just a little heads up on green tea, while it is good for you, it stains your teeth as bad if not worse that cigarettes (dentist told me)

    Now I have to DOUBLE make sure to brush my teeth twice a day... I've been drinking literally around half a gallon of green tea a day as of late.
  • joolzsd
    joolzsd Posts: 51
    Just a little heads up on green tea, while it is good for you, it stains your teeth as bad if not worse that cigarettes (dentist told me)

    Now I have to DOUBLE make sure to brush my teeth twice a day... I've been drinking literally around half a gallon of green tea a day as of late.

    I drink mine through those little coffee straws, helps a lot with the staining
  • seemae
    seemae Posts: 38
    Just a little heads up on green tea, while it is good for you, it stains your teeth as bad if not worse that cigarettes (dentist told me)

    Now I have to DOUBLE make sure to brush my teeth twice a day... I've been drinking literally around half a gallon of green tea a day as of late.

    I drink mine through those little coffee straws, helps a lot with the staining

    Oohh that's a good idea, thanks!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    I can put on up to 5lbs the week before and it stays until after my TOM is over, so it's 2 weeks of horribleness :( this TOM i stayed the same and lost 3 when it was over. It's different every month. Just hang in there and try not to get discouraged. This isn't a race. The most important thing is to be healthy.

    Good luck :)
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