Upper Body workouts....thick chic

I am an active runner and have been trying to figure out a way to slim down my upper body...I am really thick up there compaired to the rest of me :noway:

Can anyone give me some tips on excercise or diet that would lean me out? (arms, chest area)

Thanks!!! :smile:


  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    As you've probably heard, you can't target an area and just lose weight there. It's going to come off how your body naturally loses it. It's usually in the areas you don't want to lose first (: I'm pretty active and have always had a problem with my tummy area....I didn't see any real results until I got my diet in check. Then the pounds literally melted off. It takes willpower and extra time to eat clean. Grocery shopping and prepping the food isn't easy, but it's definitely necessary. Try it out for a couple weeks and see what you think
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    my arms have gotten thinner, i use a exercise ball for them, and the water drinking seems 2 b dissolving the fat in that area lol:smile:
  • paigemang♥
    I eat very lean and stick to my calories....I am looking for a toning upper body excercise that I might be overlooking. I ALWAYS eat well, so thats definitly not the issue. Hmmm.....maybe just have to do more pilates.

    Thanks Ladies :happy:
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    @brityn Second that. My stomach has never been "flat" maybe ever, even though I weighed about 100 lbs most of my life. This time round it's, llke, totally flat, after I lost about 25 lbs. You have to kind of lose a lot of fat overall, and get pretty "skinny" to see it in those last "problem" spots, unfortunately. And yes, diet is the most important part of that in addition to cardio to burn calories.

    That said, a good strength training (upper body as well as core strength as well as lower body) routine is really important at that point and if/when you don't have a lot of weight to lose. It's important to keep building the muscle so you don't lose too much of it with the flab. You won't get bulky (women don't) and what you'll be left with is a super-lean body (not to mention stronger bones and everything else), AND muscle burns calories much faster than fat does so it can only help. If you can afford it, some time with a trainer is good to get some new exercises. Self-resistance like pushups, pullups, etc. are good too in addition to traditional free weights and machines.

    For more upper body workout ideas google upper body workout and weight routines. Livestrong, Spark people and magazines like Self and Fitness as well as popular trainers like Denise Austin usually have good ones.