Inside - out

Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I just posted this on my blog but figured I should post it here as well so it will reach more people:

I read a forum post about someone super frustrated that they've let themselves gain the weight they've lost back on...thinking "how did I let myelf get back here?"

I've TOTALLY been I just wanted to share something that has given me new perspective and new tools to face one of my biggest obstacles - emotional eating, self-esteem, self worth and trusting myself and my body that it knows what it needs. To stop living in fear that if I'm not on weight watchers (or insert any large corp weightloss plan here) I won't be able to control what I eat and I'll be a ravenous pig consuming anything and everything that comes in my path ;) LOL (sorry a little dramatic but true!)

I lost close to 30 lbs 3 years ago on Weight Watchers only to gain it all back and I've been trying for the last 3 years to lose it for good. It's definitely been a LONG journey and one that will actually never be over. As cheesey as it sounds...once I found out that I needed to start focusing on the inside rather than just stressing out about fixing the outside things started to fall into place.

I really recommend reading "Women Food & God" by Geneen Roth- the title makes it sound religious but its totally not...its about women and your relationship with food. Its a life-changer...totally opened my eyes to how I've been sabotaging myself and I've been able to gain some control over my emotional eating/binging habits and make some major progress, both physically & emotionally...amazing read! Anyone who has read it - please let me know what your thoughts were!

here's a link to her site:

Just wanted to share :) Hope it helps someone else as much as it's helped me!



  • For a while I put off reading this book because it was the 'new' craze and then one day at the library there it was taunting me so I brought it home to see what the big deal was. It really did change the way I thought about myself and my relationship with food, mostly how I negatively I viewed myself as an overweight person and my long sordid history with unhealthy eating. It is definetly a book worth reading.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    thanks! just requested it from the library, looking forward to reading it
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