I love daylight savings!!! RUNNING!

Sure, everyone is pissed that they lost an hour. I gained an hour of sunlight in the evening!

All winter I got home and it was dark.

Now its still light out when I get home and I can RUN AFTER WORK! YAHOO!


  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Same here!! :bigsmile:
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Your ticket says almost 20 miles run this year! That's awesome! I'm just really getting into it myself.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Yea- last year I ran all winter. Not quite as much, but about 5 miles a week or so and did a Quarter marathon in April- that's not happening this year! :ohwell:
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    That's really awesome! I live in MN and it was far too cold (and too icy) to run outside. I did some treadmill at the gym but that was blah! I only really started getting into it at the end of the summer.

    Everything is wet and sloppy here from the snow melting but oh well. I'll just have to buy new shoes sooner!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Yea, I live in New England- it was our 4th worst winter on record. So, I hear ya about not running in the winter!