any Beths?

amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
I hope this is allowed, Mike if not please feel free to delete.

I was cleaning out the spare room today and came across a bracelet I had made for one of my bridesmaids for my wedding last fall. We had a huge fight and she dropped out of the wedding, but of course after I had bought her gifts. So I have this beautiful bracelet engraved with the name Beth. If it weren't engraved I would keep it for myself but obviously, what am I going to do with a bracelet engraved with a name that is not my own?

If anyone is interested in it, it's yours for $10 (just to cover shipping). I'd just really like to see it go to use rather than throw it away. Below is a picture, it's not very clear but you get the idea....I'll ship it anywhere in the continental US and you can pay via paypal. I got it from the, it was about $25-30 before shipping I believe. Please respond to this or send me a private message if you're interested. Thanks!

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