question for runners trying to lose weight!

I am having a difficult time determining how many of my exercise calories I should be eating.

I currently weigh 145, and have my calorie level set to 1400/day (which should give me a 0.7lb/week loss).

I'm currently training for my first half marathon, but also have about 5-10 more pounds before I try my hand at maintenance (which has never been my forte, but i digress...)

Right now my exercise consists of running 3x/week (20-25 miles total), boot camp 2x/week, and tennis 1x/week. So i am burning a lot of extra calories.

as a sub-question...would you recommend eating exercise calorie the day they are burned, or spreading the total amount of exercise calories i'll be eating back throughout the week regardless of when I earn them. During the week i often don't get home from the gym for dinner until 8pm, so it can be difficult on those days to eat much more tahn 1400 (though i find myself hungrier the next day)

any advice would be helpful1 i still want to lose 1/2lb to 1lb a week while i'm training, but i also don't want to not give my body enough fuel while i'm working out this much.

thanks in advance for opinions/advice! :)