How to involve your spouse

Anyone have any suggestions on how to encourage/convince their spouse to start counting calories too? My husband doesn't really have any interest in doing so... but it would be awesome to have that support and accountability with each other.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


  • fluffyduck2004
    fluffyduck2004 Posts: 12 Member
    sorry cant help you on this one, its taken me 2 months to convince my hubby to join me and he finally signed up yesterday :-) once your hubby sees mfp is working for you hopefully he will join you, also well done on your 5lb weight loss xx
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    You cant make someone lose , be healthy or be fit. They have to want to do it. Maybe once he see mfp working for you and sees you getting in shape he will want to be on board
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    I am blessed with a wife who is very supportive of this - she is on here too - her user name is JonnaGrace.
  • justsummie
    justsummie Posts: 320 Member
    I just made my husband a MFP page and told him here's your password and settings. I added a cartoon instead of his real pic so he wouldn't feel too "exposed". Once he did it for a day or two he got hooked and has more than doubled me in weightloss (be careful what you wish for LOL).
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    No one is ready to start a weight loss journey until they are ready = you can tell your husband you would like to see him be more healthy - place the same food you eat in front of him - if he chooses not to partake - leave it be