Newbie looking for some online buddies

Hi everyone!
I am almost 39 and refuse to be fat and 40!
I have an upcoming holiday in six weeks and whilst I would like to lose some weight for that, I know that I need to make life changes, not just short term "fixes".
I made the huge step (for me) to actually get on the scales this morning. Not impressed :(
83.9k which is a lot for someone who is just over 5 foot!
So I have a challenge on to lose around 20kg+ and to make that easier, I have broken my weight loss goals down into little ones.
Each week, I will be giving myself a weight loss goal and a goal thats not based on weight loss - this week it is to hit the gym at least 3 times.
I know that forums and boards are so full of support, inspiration and guidance so I will be visiting often.
Happy to have some online buddies that I can share this journey with and help keep me in check and on target!
Happy losing everyone


  • karriesue
    karriesue Posts: 19
    well, i am 39 almost forty so you can friend me and get the perk of my one whole year of experience over you:laugh:
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    You've came to a great place! Good luck!!!