A Re-Introduction

I've been here since October... started slacking the month of December.. but now I'm back at it full swing! I find MFP to be a great site, full of such supportive people! I'm always looking for more friends to give (and receive) support!

*I took this from my about me on my profile* Just to give everyone a better feel for who I am!

I'm a 26 yr old, single lady who is almost half way to her goal!

I'm a person who tries to live my life to the fullest. I'm kind, honest, friendly, and would do anything for the people who are in my life. I"m the girl who will do her best to brighten other's days, no matter what.

I work at a Middle School as an Instructional Assistant in a Special Education classroom, and every day those children make me smile. I'm also a cheerleading coach for CMS, those girls are full of life and I wouldn't change it! On the weekends I'm a caregiver for mentally/physically challenged adults and though it's stressful at times, I'm glad to be helping those who need it.

As you can see, I'm super busy and in the past I've struggled to eat well and get exercise. But, lately I've made more of an effort and have found I really enjoy working out, and make it a priority. I was very thin and in very good shape before, and though I don't strive to be that small again I would like to drop some lbs and get back in fantastic shape!

Feel free to add me !