Still seeing the fat girl!



  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    This is a journey to a lifestyle change for the better, enjoy the trip and chronicle it for your own good, take a day a week to reflect on it and learn to love yourself, you deserve the best in life and to have your health is not something which should be optional, it should be something that is mandatory for you. I can stand here and preach all day to you about how you have done well but sometimes what you really need to do is take some time reflect on what you have been through start to this current point. Sometimes it takes the mind a long time to follow the body, 70 pounds is a huge amount of weight to have lost, what you really need to do is to take some time to attend to the emotional weight that you still carry with you and learn to shed that the same way you leaned to shed the physical weight. That has to be a trip that you do on your own, but my love the road to self love can be harder than the one you took to losing the weight. You have already made a long trip so its time to let the emotional baggage go and free yourself. One of my fav quotes I forgot to add;
    "The future is the future, the past is the past but today, today is a gift that is why they call it the present."
  • ranjant
    ranjant Posts: 33
    Sometimes i feel that way when i look at some pics after being so obese for years and years. I think everyone who has lost weight feels that way, but you have to remember the things you couldn't do before and the things you could do now. For me it's those low back pain, catching your breath on short walks, aches and pain failures all the time. For people who experienced weight loss, the hardships of the "before" and the benefits of the "currently" You become more appreciative of this life and approaching it as each day is a gift.
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I can totally related. I was overweight/obese my ENTIRE life. At my heaviest, I was 265 lbs and I'm only 5' 1.5" tall. I wore 22/24s and on a few occassions, even 26/28s.

    I've lost *almost* 130 lbs (129.2 lbs to be exact ;-) and I've 1 lbs away from my "realistic" goal and then 5 more lbs away from my eventual goal but I keep wondering, "will THAT be enough?" I'm wearing size 6 now, and I have 2 pairs of size 4 pants I can fit into and my shirts are mostly smalls now (even button ups!!!).

    And I too get the "wow! look how skinny you are now!".... "OMG! you are so teeny tiny now!" ...."you've lost SOOOOO much weight!!!" and even have a boyfriend who tells me daily how beautiful I am and YET I still feel like a fat heifer. I have the tummy issues, the inner thigh issues, and the triceps flab and it depresses me. I look good in clothes because I wear Spanx and like products to smooth me out and make me look streamlined. I don't wear tank tops or shirts that are too short sleeved because of my arms.

    I work out, I take toning classes...maybe I could do more actual weight training but I wonder if any short of lipo will help.

    Hang in there! You've done a great job and you are almost at your goal.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I think this is a common issue. I know that I personally have been struggling with this also. I actually just wrote a blog sort of about it last night..haha

    There are days when I look in the mirror and I still see a chubby girl standing there. It's frustrating because I know that's not the case. I usually catch myself on it and remind myself "No, you are not fat, NO you are not going to get fat." It's still really frustrating.

    We just have to do our best to keep ourselves in check. Be proud! You have come a long way and you look great! It's time to work on the inside now. It would be great if they were one and the same wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it's not....but you can totally learn to love yourself just like you learned how to shed those pounds off. It might take time, but you can do it! We can do it!

    Wow, so corny :D WOOOHOOO!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I know exactly what you mean!!! I actually think i'm harder on myself now (always dwelling on the fat that hasn't come off yet or worrying about the loose skin here and there etc) and Yes I am know I am thinner and I do believe I look better and at times I feel on top of the world, but a lot of the time I feel like I'm still the fat girl.

    When people compliment me I'm always like oh well I have a ton left to lose but thanks anyway.
    Or when I walk into a normal size clothing store and they ask if I need help finding anything I'm always thinking oh they aren't talking to me I don't fit this stuff.
    Or even when I'm buying a "cheat" item like chips or a slurpee I feel like everyone is looking at the fat girl buying/eating junk food.

    I'm hoping some day my brain will catch up to my body but for now I just do what I can.
  • simplingrillin
    I saw this thing on tv that helped. This girls had a unrealistic idea of what her body was like so her therapist had her draw herself on what she thinks she looks like. Afterwards she(the therapist) had her(not really fat girl) lay down in her idea of her body image and then traced on top of her drawing to show (not so fat girl) what her real body image was compared to what was in her head. Theres always an idea.
  • HelenTheKitchen
    I saw this thing on tv that helped. This girls had a unrealistic idea of what her body was like so her therapist had her draw herself on what she thinks she looks like. Afterwards she(the therapist) had her(not really fat girl) lay down in her idea of her body image and then traced on top of her drawing to show (not so fat girl) what her real body image was compared to what was in her head. Theres always an idea.

    I've seen similar things to this too. Maybe I need to go on one of those "How to Look Good Naked" shows or something. Haha!