Would you rather??????



  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    Would you rather travel to the moon or the bottom of the ocean?

    Bottom of the ocean
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I would rather scare than be scared!

    Would you rather have loved and lost or never loved at all??

    Never Loved

    Would you rather eat purples pickles or yellow corn dogs?
  • Brucifer55
    Would you rather get a horrible sunburn or have the worst hangover?

    In my experience, the one in many cases lead to the other...
  • nurse_chris
    nurse_chris Posts: 189
    Chris--- Tara Reid had the bad liposuction... among other stuff ;)

    Thanks, and what a fool, she was soo beautiful before all her "work"
  • ej_xo
    ej_xo Posts: 75
    I would rather scare than be scared!

    Would you rather have loved and lost or never loved at all??

    Never Loved

    Would you rather eat purples pickles or yellow corn dogs?
    DEFINITELY PICKLES. I'll just assume they were Kool-Aid dyed (Google Kool-Aid Pickles) HAHA! YUM!

    ...Would you rather face your greatest fear orrrrr never lose any more weight/attain any more fitness goals????
  • jleegirl
    jleegirl Posts: 44
    be cheated on...cuz i'd never cheat lol...

    would u rather have hiccups constantly for weeks or be constantly crying for weeks

    OMG CRYING!!!! I hate having the hiccups!

    Would you rather get a horrible sunburn or have the worst hangover?

    hangover for sure! can't undo sundamage. plus big hangover usually = fun night!

    would you rather be too hot or too cold?
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    Ha greatest fear...

    Would you rather die young and live happy or live long and very unhappy?

    Thats right..were gettin this topic rolling and people thinkin:)
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Gonna try this again:
    Would you rather die young and live happy or live long and very unhappy?

    Live Fast Die young ..leave a pretty corpse :D

    Would you Rather be overly Cynical or overly Naive ?
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    Wow thats a good one, I guess I would have to say die young and happy because you wouldn't know what you would be missing and if you are older than you would have regrets and not feel accomplished or fulfilled.

    Would you rather (if you made the same amount of money) have a job you love and work 60 hours a week or have a job you hate and work 25 hours a week ?
  • jantim1990
    jantim1990 Posts: 48 Member
    Wow thats a good one, I guess I would have to say die young and happy because you wouldn't know what you would be missing and if you are older than you would have regrets and not feel accomplished or fulfilled.

    Would you rather (if you made the same amount of money) have a job you love and work 60 hours a week or have a job you hate and work 25 hours a week ?

    Doing the job you love!!

    Would you rather own a mustang or a camaro?
  • Brucifer55
    Overly cynical...because I overly am...but I have a soft spot for those who are naive.

    Would you rather lose your sense of smell...or you sense of taste?
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497

    Doing the job you love!!

    Would you rather own a mustang or a camaro?
    Ha camaro baby!!!!!

    Would you rather laugh non stop or crying for 3 hours each day?
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Crying - im sure hiccups will damage your diaphragm and lungs

    I've had crying be painful haha! ...Who thinks about their diaphragm in would you rather LOL
  • mandapanda001
    mandapanda001 Posts: 370 Member
    I say neither one I would like a Dodge Challenger, hah! I would say laughing nonstop, it would get crazy after a while but a good way to burn calories ;-)

    Would you rather go to Australia or New Zealand?
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Would you rather own a mustang or a camaro?

    Definitely the Mustang... Much cooler car.

    Would you rather win the lottery or win the heart of the one you love?
  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Would you rather win the lottery or win the heart of the one you love?

    I think I will take the money, thanks :P

    Would you rather Age only from the neck up OR Age only from the neck down?
  • jantim1990
    jantim1990 Posts: 48 Member
    Definitly a Mustang! Age from neck down. Win the heart of the one I love instead of lottery. Austraila instead of New Zealand. Cry instead of hiccups. Laugh for 3 hours instead of cry for 3 hours.

    Would you rather live in the city or the country? Country!!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    CITYYY!!!!! Can't stand country living.
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I say neither one I would like a Dodge Challenger, hah! I would say laughing nonstop, it would get crazy after a while but a good way to burn calories ;-)

    Would you rather go to Australia or New Zealand?

    Def Australia..always wanted ta go there:)

    Would you rather get free meals at In-N-Out for a 10 days or a free Chevy(of any kind as long as it is an older one meaning before 2000:) with 10 bags of dog food in the back?
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I say neither one I would like a Dodge Challenger, hah! I would say laughing nonstop, it would get crazy after a while but a good way to burn calories ;-)

    Would you rather go to Australia or New Zealand?

    Def Australia..always wanted ta go there:)

    Would you rather get free meals at In-N-Out for a 10 days or a free Chevy(of any kind as long as it is an older one meaning before 2000:) with 10 bags of dog food in the back?

    ROFL...I'd take the Chevy with those bags of dog food, give the dog food to an animal shelter and give the keys to my son hahaha :tongue:

    Would you rather be able to read minds or see the future?