Attention: GREEN TEA pill poppers.......

I have been counting my calorie intake & exercising since mid January & have been losing about a pound a week. But it was just this past week that I actually started taking GREEN TEA PILLS & I have lost an average of 3 pounds. I'm NOT complaining by no means but is that fast of a weight loss healthy? Do you gain when you stop taking them?


  • wellyourenotSKINNY
  • DarthBubbles
    Bump :)
  • princess4mimi
  • iamkelskels
    but really, do these work? they are like 3 dollars at walmart.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Could just be water. Green tea is a mild diuretic.
  • nomex
    nomex Posts: 142 Member
    I put green tea extract in my smoothies. I wouldn't say it has changed my rate of weight loss. green tea extract was suggested to me for for hypothyriodism..... I would definately say that it has an impact on my energy level and satiation. My weight loss rate is VERY SLOWWWWW due to hypothyroidism. So my experience might not generalize to you very well.

    Maybe it is a placebo effect, but I like it.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    This is my experience with EGCG capsules:

    I am still taking them and probably will til at least goal weight. :D Hope it helps!
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    prob water weight, but hey its weight right..keeps us motivated!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I guess I'm going to be the bad guy here, but I do not see the point in taking unregulated stimulants. Yes, of course you'd gain weight when you stopped taking stimulants.

    And you could really hurt yourself taking these things because they are totally unregulated! One pill could have X amount of the stimulant and the next one, from the same bottle, could have 100X of it.

    Not a risk that I'm willing to take. I'll do it the old-fashioned way--eating better and exercising consistently.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    There's nothing dangerous about EGCG. It's in green tea. You can get the same amount of EGCG by drinking 10-15 cups of green tea every day.

    I am so NOT a pill person. I don't like taking pills of any kind and DON'T regularly. But these are capsules of a compound found naturally in something ingested by millions of people every day. If only HALF the population of China, and no one else, drinks green tea daily, then 650 MILLION people are drinking it.

    Nay sayers: It's easy to be negative without looking into it or doing any kind of research. It's not "water weight" as green tea is WAY too mild of a diuretic to affect hydration. Also, I am not looking for a quick fix nor would I EVER put anything in to my body that I might become dependent on or that might affect me negatively. It's okay to concentrate compounds for ingestion when those compounds will help your body.

    End rant. ;P