I was desperately searching for motivation this morning. I have successfully lost 10 pounds. And another 2 or 3 pounds can't make up their mind as they have been on again, off again... I try to log in everyday if for nothing more than to read inspiring words from other bloggers. Something is still missing for me tho. Then as I was reading, I noticed the badges that were posted beside most of them and I caught myself saying "Yay... He's almost made it to his goal" or "Wow... She's come a long way." Then I saw one with just as much to loose as me and I sank immediately. It seems so far away...

So instead of heading to the kitchen, as I had already had my breakfast, I changed my goals into smaller ,more achievable, goals. Now, instead of seeing my ultimate goal of "80 TO GO" I changed it to a 15lb goal... Not too easy, but definitely attainable. Yes, it's just a mind game, but now I don't have to wait a year before I celebrate. I just have to get to around April 17th! It's in sight and therefore I'm excited again. MOTIVATION RESTORED!! YAY! :)


  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    You can do it! I found that I had some issues to staying motivated but now I just look in the mirror. Results keep me motivated. I can almost see the end of the tunnel!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    It may be a "Mind Game" but those little tricks DO work!! I say play whatever games work for you!!
  • janruffin
    janruffin Posts: 53 Member
    You sound a lot like me. Lose and gain the same 3 pounds.... lost 10 and then stall.
    Take a day at a time and never give up!
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    I have been in the same boat as you going up & down & never losing the pounds I gained over the holidays; then started to gain even more until reality set in that I had to get back on track & be serious about losing again. When I started I set a goal to lose 30 to 40 lbs in 7 months for a holiday we were going on, last year. I lost 35lbs , I was so motivated & happy. I did gain over the holiday but I took it off in 1 week. But the christmas holidays was very hard for me. Whatever our reasons for waffling & losing motivation, we have to never give up! I too have been logging in every day for months, even though I was going up & down. Reading all the encouraging comments & blogs from MFpals & others. I finally have come to a point of getting back on track & losing weight again. My goal is to take off at least 10lbs by April 18th. , as I am having surgery on my bladder. It is a good idea for me to set smaller goals as well. We did not gain this weight in a couple of months & it will not take only a few months to lose. We just have to take it one day at a time. We will have good & bad days, but pray that we will have more successes along our journey to our goal weight, no matter how large the amount we need to lose. I need to lose at least 100lbs myself. I am now at 30 lbs lost & counting. Wishing you great success, Hugs, Josie