not bieng heard



  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    first attempt - "No thank you"

    second attempt - "mmmm it does looks great - let me have a taste"

    third attempt - 'it's so good that if I eat any more I won't be able to stop. thank you anyway"

    fourth attempt - (with much more emphasis) - "thank you, I want to, but I REALLY can't"

    fifth attempt - "I said no"

    after that - just walk away - they went way way overboard
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    you are a very perceptive person!! what you said about me being sensitive about my weight was spot on. althugh i was and still am very overwieght i lived in a fantasy world thinking i was the only person who saw how it affected me, until last year when my two best friends set up an"intervention" with me to tell me how much they were worried about me and my health. i was mortified, embarassed and ashamed, and wanted more than anything for the ground to open up and swallow me, i understood why they had felt they had to say something to me. it was the motivation i needed to finally decide to do something about my weight. i don't like to talk about myself or weght, and maybe i need to lighten up a bit and not be so tightly wound up about things.
    thanks for your post

    Do you know that people are almost all fabulous? Almost everyone will want to hep you succeed and support you? I bet if you let people you work with know that you are 'dieting' (it's NOT a dirty word) and making healthy changes, you would get all manner of support and encouragment. I think that when we are unhappy with our weight, and how we look for what ever reason, we become over sensitive about the things that other people say and do. Offering you food is fine, it's what people do. Imagine how you would feel if you were not on this healthy journey and had no issue with your weight or what you ate and people DIDN'T offer you food? I know I would go home and look long and hard in the mirror and think ' are they saying I am fat?' Do thy think I am TOO FAT to eat a cake??' It's all perception. Almost everyone is marvelous, really truly they are. Let them show you!!