I am so disapointed with myself.

robertboyd Posts: 11
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Today I couldn't face going to the gym so I decided to walk to Smithy Bridge (a small town near my home). I took the Rochdale canal and had a nice walk lasting just over an hour. Unfortunately the train from Smithy Bridge to Rochdale was delayed so I decided to walk back (even more calories burnt right?). WRONG!

On my way back I got an immense craving for KFC and couldn't walk back. Result was a 1010 calorie lunch which has left me feeling crap instead of a great 500 or so calorie burn!

I’m sure we all have days like this but can’t help feeling like I’ve let myself down.


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Don't get discouraged...do you plan on NEVER eating KFC for the rest of your life after you get to goal? It's not realistic to think that you will never eat there again. Sure, maybe 1010 calories resulted from not such a great choice but that will happen in life. Trust me, you will have these situations throughout your weight loss and you cannot let them get you down or throw you off track.

    It's life, it's the past, log it, forget it and move on. YOU.CAN.DO.IT!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • kym38
    kym38 Posts: 48
    I think we all have those days! Don't let it get you down, tomorrow is a different day!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I've had those days! I've ended up eating over the top mexican food, McDonald's and Wendy's so far since I've started this. But like Kao said, they're things I plan on eating occasionally once I'm healthy too so it's unrealistic to say that I'll never eat them while on this journey! Drink lots of water to flush out the sodium and make good choices for a bit...you'll see the little splurges aren't the roadblocks they seem. Good luck!!
  • We all have those days. Tomorrow will be better, right? :]
  • jasonroeser
    jasonroeser Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah don't get down, the best thing you can do is log it. Having to look at it in your diary is actually helpful for future bad days. One bad day doesn't ruin the diet. Get back on it and you will be fine, look at it as a bump in the road. Pizza is my Achilles Heal, everyone has one. Good luck!!
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    could have been worse *S* you could have had the kfc without the walk *S*
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    do you plan on NEVER eating KFC for the rest of your life after you get to goal? It's not realistic to think that you will never eat there again.

    Well, I don't really think not eating at KFC again is an unrealistic goal....

    .....but regardless, everyone here is right. It's is just one day, one time. Don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow is a new day....you cannot expect perfection from yourself at all times.
  • ari_27
    ari_27 Posts: 88 Member
    Treat it as your "cheat" day. We all need those at least every once in a while if not once a week. What I've heard before that has really helped me stay on track is that you have to think of it this way: you don't lose the weight you want to lose in one day, which means you also don't gain that weight in one day. What matters now is the choices you make here on out. Additionally, the fact that you walked so much is incredibly, if anything you should feel proud of yourself, that 1,000 calorie meal by itself without exercise would have been much worse, but now you burned about half of it off, so great job :)
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    All you can do is log it and go back to heathy choices tomorrow! I had a similar thing happen yesterday. Went out to the beach to see the supermoon, stopped at McDonald's, had a couple chicken wraps no sauce for a normal sized 470 calorie dinner. Well, come 9, while near the same McDonald's, the kids had to use the bathroom and were of course ALL HUNGRY... so I got them food, I didn't get anything. A good thing, right? Wrong. Those wraps I had 3 hours earlier were fairly healthy but made me crave more McDonald's! Before I knew it I had eaten my daughter's medium fries (that she barely touched) and about a third of her chicken sandwich! (Now I'm thinking she just wanted the toy....) lol

    Further proof for me that McDonald's laces their food with crack. Stay away. FAR FAR AWAY!!!

    PS. At least you worked out right? Back in the day I'm guessing you would've had that meal and been sitting on your *kitten* all day, yeah? Every little improvement counts!!
  • callipygianchronicle
    callipygianchronicle Posts: 811 Member
    could have been worse *S* you could have had the kfc without the walk *S*

    Precisely. Don’t forget to celebrate what you have done well, not just tear apart what you did imperfectly. A −500 burn + 1010 calorie lunch = 510 calories net. By walking you took a lunch that would normally have been out-of-bounds and turned it into a manageable calorie amount.

    Is it the ideal food choice? No. But life isn’t about ideals, it’s about compromise.

    Chin up. Learn. Move on.
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    I read somewhere that you don't have to depend solely on your willpower. I try to make plans to avoid testing my willpower. For example, next time you walk that route, plan ahead for a KFC snack. Look at the menu ahead of time oinline and plan for what you will have and work your meal plan around it for the day. Let it be a treat for you for doing the exercise and in a way that you don't have to feel bad about it.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Don't get discouraged...do you plan on NEVER eating KFC for the rest of your life after you get to goal? It's not realistic to think that you will never eat there again. Sure, maybe 1010 calories resulted from not such a great choice but that will happen in life. Trust me, you will have these situations throughout your weight loss and you cannot let them get you down or throw you off track.

    It's life, it's the past, log it, forget it and move on. YOU.CAN.DO.IT!!!!! :bigsmile:

  • ce_fit
    ce_fit Posts: 299 Member
    Today I couldn't face going to the gym so I decided to walk to Smithy Bridge (a small town near my home). I took the Rochdale canal and had a nice walk lasting just over an hour. Unfortunately the train from Smithy Bridge to Rochdale was delayed so I decided to walk back (even more calories burnt right?). WRONG!

    On my way back I got an immense craving for KFC and couldn't walk back. Result was a 1010 calorie lunch which has left me feeling crap instead of a great 500 or so calorie burn!

    I’m sure we all have days like this but can’t help feeling like I’ve let myself down.
    Hey Robert, try looking at in a differant lite. Ate 1000 - 500 burned = net 500 calorie lunch. Cut out your late night snack and you will probally be on track!!! Do not beat yourself up, live and learn and keep remembering your goals!
  • Don't get down on yourself, at least you walked there and back! We all have those days, tomorrow is a new day! :smile:
  • Thanks for the encouragement. Was looking through my food diary and if I have something light such as turkey breast and new potatoes I will end the day within my calorie count.

    Ironically I do go over my count on occasion and don’t feel too bad. I guess I know that KFC is the wrong food but the more I think about it the prouder I am about my long walk (which was actually quite pleasant).
  • dengarrett
    dengarrett Posts: 367
    Thanks for the encouragement. Was looking through my food diary and if I have something light such as turkey breast and new potatoes I will end the day within my calorie count.

    Ironically I do go over my count on occasion and don’t feel too bad. I guess I know that KFC is the wrong food but the more I think about it the prouder I am about my long walk (which was actually quite pleasant).
    THERE YA GO!!!!!!
  • watchmelose2
    watchmelose2 Posts: 77 Member
    DON"T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!! Just kidding! We all go through this! It happens! Keep your head up! Tomorrow is a better day!:flowerforyou:
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