skinny jeans

so, when i started actively changing my life last fall, i only knew that i had weighed close to 185 during the summer. it wasn't a conscious decision to start doing this, so i didn't take measurements and i didn't buy a scale. i just got really into superfoods and started walking to work everyday and drinking tons of water. because i've lost large amounts of weight before, i have a basic idea of where i'm at, but i've really only been going by how my clothes fit. i've already had to make 4 new notches in my belt. FOUR. that's how i know i've been making progress. there was a pair of pants that my mom hemmed for me, but they were just a bit tight. now, they're falling off me. i'm pretty strapped for cash, so luckily i never threw out some of my old clothes once i got too big for them. i have this pair of faded glory skinny jeans that i absolutely love. it broke my heart when i got too fat to fit them. they became a goal for me, but one i thought was still a couple months off. well, last week, i put them on and they fit. they fit better than when i first bought them, actually, and that was 5 years ago. i'm 25 now and i know i'm close to my goal. i have no idea how much it is in pounds, but once i lose this last couple of inches of belly, i'll be done. i did slimfast once when i was a kid, which did work, i lost 50 lbs, but i never learned how to go back to eating normally. since i don't have a scale or a number in my mind, my only goal is always just to eat healthy. so, that's the first true success i've had in weight loss and i'm way more proud of it than that 50 lbs any day!


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    well done keep it up:smile:
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    How awesome! Congrats on the jeans, congrats on the healthy perspective, and congrats on the success. Thanks for sharing your story. It's inspirational.
  • kelseybee17
    Good for you for doing this all about how you're feeling! That's so hard to do. The scale is just soo tempting!
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