whats happening

8sheila8 Posts: 10 Member
Hello all I'm Sheila and i have some weight to lose :) i have been on this site before about a year ago when my ofc did a biggest loser challenge and was not faithful with it guess i just wasn't ready well I"M READY NOW!! my weight loss journey started last monday and am only weighing in once a week so i don't get frusterated and quit when i think i'm not losing. I also am on day 7 of not drinking any soda not even diet and OMG this is soooooo hard for me! I'm a recovery alcoholic/pain pill addict and i thought that was hard boy was i WRONG! i have a great relationship with my Higher power that i Choose to call god so i have just decided to turn things over to him just like i have to do daily to not use the pills or alcohol and so far its working when i think i "need" a pop god sends me great reminders that no i don't! So i'm hoping i can stick to logging on to the website and also keep eating good. Have a great day ! :):flowerforyou:


  • Lizzy_Sunflower
    Lizzy_Sunflower Posts: 1,510 Member
    Welcome back and best of luck on your journey!
  • missbeezy
    missbeezy Posts: 198
    Awesome! Welcome back and good luck to you with your weight loss goals, you will do just great!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    welcome back!!! GOod luck on your journey :)
  • mountainwoman98
    mountainwoman98 Posts: 182 Member
    Welcome Sheila and good luck with your journey on the road to a healthier lifestyle :smile: