Mom of Four Needs Some Help

Hello! I am new to My Fitness Pal, but definitely not new to dieting. I am the quintessential yo-yo dieter! The highest I have been without being pregnant or nursing was 246 and the lowest I have been in my neverending quest to lose weight since I became a mom 11 years ago, was 184. I am currently at 207, and I am having a really hard time getting motivated. I even have a cruise coming in August to the Caribbean! You'd think that would be inspiration enough, but it's not! I want to be an example to my kids, but that desire just doesn't seem to curb the desire to eat like crap. Any words of advice and motivation would be awesome! Also, I am looking for friends to add to my account so we can keep each other motivated. Help me get my show on the road!! :smile:


  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    Welcome!! This site is great, I hope you love it as much as I do. I'll add you, I'm fairly new here as well. Good luck!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Welcome! You are going to love it here.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Hi, I'm in the same boat, weight-wise, family-wise and motivational wise. You can add me if you want.
  • ezreka
    ezreka Posts: 53 Member
    when I started, I had to start out slow. Just slowly lower your calories or exercise just a little at a time. Hope that helps!
  • gagagul
    gagagul Posts: 63 Member

    You know the motivation must come from within. MFP will definitely help in keeping you accountable to your friends on here as well. I have been on here since October and I can tell you the one person who helped to motivate in my quest to finding my inner happiness with my body and weight was my boyfriend. He has been there thru all my spin classes, 5K's and days I just didn't want to go to the gym after a long day of work. Having a buddy to workout with will definitely help you get out of the house and into the gym, park or whatever it is you need to get the job done. I then started changing what and how I eat. I no longer eat endless amounts of appetizers, soup or salad and my own meal. If on occasion we now decide to go out to eat the meals are always shared and usually always the healthier choice from the menu. I like to pre-plan my meals on MFP to see that my initial decision isn't always right and I can tweak it if need be. I look up online menus and planning ahead will help you stay on track. Lunches for me in the office were always the worst I know bring my own lunch and healthy snacks to curb the going out to eat on my lunch break. Starting with your refrigerator and pantry will help a ton when you can't find that unhealthy snack. If it means getting your whole family on your same track so be it, they can only benefit from it. Limiting them as well as you makes the whole family even healthier and they will see your focus. Add me if you would like. It always helps to have a close knit of friends to keep you motivated at all times! Good luck in your quest and I hope you reach some of your goals by your trip!

  • amjmomma
    amjmomma Posts: 41
    I always feel like I should be an all-or-nothing type of person. But, I think yours is sound advice. I will give it a try! =)
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm a mother of 3 & know what you mean. I was a yo-yo dieter too. This site is great & with great friends who boost your ego you will do great! Set a plan & follow it
    It will take a little while to get used to your diet & excercise but once you see that nimber on the scale drop you will feel better &.get motivated. You will also want to keep up with your friends, that motivates too!
  • tramsey14
    tramsey14 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I know how you feel about finding ways to get motivated, but after joining this site and seeing what I was eating and all the people exercising I began to really look at the big picture and started slow and worked my way to working our 6 times a week. I would love for you to add me as your friend and together we will keep each other motivated! Good Luck!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Try to eat a little better everyday. Think before you eat. Portion control/moderation.

    Keep more veggies in the house. Maybe buy a bunch and prep them for eating. That way they are always ready for you. Instead of the bad snack, grab a handful of them.

    Avoid the Fast Food traps. I take a different way to work sometimes to avoid certain places if I am feeling "weak" May take an extra 3 minutes....but 3 minutes is worth avoiding 600 calories and feeling rotten about myself for the rest of the day.

    When eating "normal" food just have the one serving. Eat slowly and enjoy the taste and texture of your food.

    Drink lots of water and get some exercise everyday.
  • Tzavush
    Tzavush Posts: 389 Member
    I am definitely in the same boat. I have five kids myself and I started this only a week ago.
    I can say for certain that just being accountable by writing down what I eat has caused a change for me.
    I find excuses left right and centre for not being active, and I want to change that and be a better example for my kids.
    Here's hoping we can help each other.
  • lauralunsford
    i have been in the same boat....i just started with small walks with the dog (time by myself).
    then i would have the weeks i would do really good and the days i would do really bad. i think it just takes time and dont let the one bad day take you down.
    you can add me i'm pretty new and dont really have any friends on here!
  • amjmomma
    amjmomma Posts: 41
    Welcome! You are going to love it here.

    How do you post those "milestone" goals? It's so cool!
  • wesleysangel
    I just joined today! I just had my son in January and I'm also trying to lose some weight from after childbirth (and of course this pooch in the front). I was looking for any new moms (you're not new) to kind of link up with for extra boosts of confidence. I am a great cook so I know a lot of recipes and things if anyone needs them. And I'm trying workout videos since it's hard to get out of the house as a full time mom. I did the biggest loser workout video today for the first time and it was great, and only 10 bucks at wal-mart. They're 10 minute workouts each day. Who doesn't have 10 minutes? Add me as a friend if you'd like. Take care and good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome! This site has a lot of support! There is a lot to learn and this is the place we can do it. Feel free to add me.
  • caradon
    caradon Posts: 14
    Hi mom of four!! I happen to love those babies!! I am here with you and we are doing this together. Love you!
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    I just joined today! I just had my son in January and I'm also trying to lose some weight from after childbirth (and of course this pooch in the front). I was looking for any new moms (you're not new) to kind of link up with for extra boosts of confidence. I am a great cook so I know a lot of recipes and things if anyone needs them. And I'm trying workout videos since it's hard to get out of the house as a full time mom. I did the biggest loser workout video today for the first time and it was great, and only 10 bucks at wal-mart. They're 10 minute workouts each day. Who doesn't have 10 minutes? Add me as a friend if you'd like. Take care and good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Hey, i had my 3rd baby almost 8 months ago. I started those workout videos too. They have some on tv if you wanna try those. They're Exercise TV on demand i believe. I bought a Jillian Michaels DVD last week, tried it out for the first time yesterday and it was great. It's "no more trouble zones" I also tried the "last chance Workout" from BL which kicked my butt a couple of weeks back
  • slusher1
    slusher1 Posts: 5
    Mom of four:

    I am a dad of two. I have been a yo-yo dieter myslef and I have a trip to Jamiaca coming in August as well. I want to be an inpiration to my kids and wife also. I have been on MFP for 6 weeks and have lost 27 lbs so far. I just joined the boards today, as I see myself slipping backwards.. So far, I really liek MFP and I think you will too. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend.

    We need all the support we can get/give!

    All the best,
  • spotamus77

    Try drinking a gallon of water each day. Drink ice water first thing in the morning and about an hour before you go to bed. Also, before you start restricting yourself, try adding something healthy to your diet instead of "taking" away something unhealthy. For example, try adding a small green salad with tomatoes and whatever vegetables you like to your meal. One day at a time and remember Rome wasn't built in a day.