bummed after mall shopping



  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    Hey. So I went to the mall with my sister today in a great mood. I have lost 7.5 lbs (went from 144 to 137) and wanted to fit into some new clothes.I first went to the mall and bought a skirt. Then I went to Old Navy cuz I have a coupon. I was disgusted when I put on my size 8 pants and barely fit. I WILL NOT TRY ON A 10) My sister who is younger told me that not many older people shop there but still... I FEEL GROSS. I then put on some cute tank tops and my bulge is splurting out. I am doing the best I can. I was partially paralyzed four years ago due to 3 brain surgeries. I am now working out 5-6 times a week for about 20-30 min on the ellyptical or bike. I also work out with our free personal trainer and do weights and abs...but I still feel gross.I am not able to burn like 500-1000 calories like you all do. I work out and do about 150-200 caloires and alot of sweating. I just want to lose my bulge and weights. I just need some supporting people to make me feel better......... please!
    I am sure you are frustrated..but it sounds like you went through a really rough time a few years ago. The positives...you are ALIVE and able to spend a day with your sister! The last few pounds are the hardest to lose (so I've heard). Also, remember that Old Navy is a lower priced clothing store..I shop there too and I have found that I can range from an XL to a 3x fitting depending on the style! It's that way basically anywhere now, the clothes are made so cheaply! I bet if you'd tried on a different style skirt an 8 would've fit!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    I also wouldn't focus on the size of those clothes. Currently my wardrobe consists of clothes sizes ranging from size 8 through to 16! And I fit into all of them! Every store is different. The main thing is that you buy clothes that fit your body perfectly (no matter what size it is) and if it fits properly then it will make you look slimmer.
    I've lost count of the amount of people I know who SQUEEZE themselves into small clothes just so they can say 'I fit into a size 8'!!! They would look soooo much slimmer if they actually wore clothes that fit them. So dont focus on the size all that matters is that you look good and Im in no doubt that you do :)
  • waverly9876
    waverly9876 Posts: 605 Member
    Thank you all your help, support and nice words. This is why I love this site. I love how nice everyone is..bc we are all in the same boat!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I have a similiar issue with clothes. Body type plays into how clothes fit also. So many stores cater to a little girls body. Look for a brand/store/style that is more forgiving.. You are doing great! Keep up the good work!

    I don't know whether you have a smart set or not near you... but their sizes are very gracious... It was the first non-plus store i found something i could fit in... and it continues to be my favourite store!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Hey, use that bummed feeling and turn it into motivation. You have been doing great!! Dont worry if you can burn 500-1000 calories a day, just do what you can do. It may take longer but stay strong and motivated and you will do fine. Its not a race, so dont worry too much about getting there fast as long as you reach that finish line !!!
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    7lbs is great! But I know how you feel. I've lost 13lbs so far but don't really see improvement. I just got a dvd from JM called "no more trouble zones". I hope it works, I hate my stomach after having 3 kids

    I've had three kids as well and gained the baby belly. I want you to know that you will love the results from No More Trouble Zones! It's a killer but you will love the strength you gain from it!(And it will definitely tone up the mid section) Belly busting is a combo of cardio, ab work, and good eating.

    To the original poster...you are doing fabulous! Our bodies are just weird, we will lose inches but no weight or lose weight and very little inches! Just keep doing what you are doing and just like another poster said...try another size in a couple of months...I bet it fits then!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'll echo what everyone else said. You're doing great and the size on the tag means nothing. Buy what fits and looks great. I was wearing 6s on Friday, 12s yesterday and 10s today. I don' t think my size has changed drastically since Friday! :smile:

    And another thing, as someone 10 years older than you, can you slap your little sister in the head for saying "older" people don't shop at Old Navy? :wink: We can shop anywhere we damn well please!
  • berniemay
    berniemay Posts: 78 Member
    partialy paralised? still exercising?

    3 brain operations?

    you have overcome somethings alot bigger than weightloss dont let it beat you, you clearly have a fighting mentality!!!!

    Well said!!! You are awesome in my eyes! Keep up the good work.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 557 Member
    like everyone else said 7Lbs is good but, I did notice on your food diary that you have a lot of days your not hitting your 1200 or just right on the edge of it, have you tried eating a bit more? it mite help you out.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    like everyone else said 7Lbs is good but, I did notice on your food diary that you have a lot of days your not hitting your 1200 or just right on the edge of it, have you tried eating a bit more? it mite help you out.

    This is very true. Once i started eating more it actually got easier. Last year I darn nearly starved myself and exercised 3 months and never lost a thing. MFP goals are good, but you need to eat up to the goal, and I eat all my exercise calories, too. Occasionally I will overeat, and that also only seems to help sometimes. If you are always eating under, or under by hundreds your body may be trying it's best to hold on for the famine! Just like when you drink more water, you don't hold onto as much water, if you eat more calories you will also let go of some fat while feeding muscle.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    partialy paralised? still exercising?

    3 brain operations?

    you have overcome somethings alot bigger than weightloss dont let it beat you, you clearly have a fighting mentality!!!!

  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    Oh, I know that feeling! I went shopping this weekend for a new swimsuit. Even though I've lost 33 lbs. I didn't really think I looked that good and I didn't fit into the size I thought I would. It was discouraging.

    Don't give up yet - I won't either!
  • McBoBo
    McBoBo Posts: 87
    Listen sister...have you picked up a 7 lb dumbell? It's a good amount of weight! Focus on the positive and use that old navy experience as your motivation! I started last summer at a size 22 and now I JUST was able to buy some 16's after 45ish lbs lost. But I still have at least 25 more to lose...so I just remember where I've been, where I want to be and that where I am now is just a stop along the way! Hang in there! Counting calories is a huge helper on here ( just saying in case you didn't already ) Also, make sure you are eating every few hours..even if it's a few baby carrots or something small and drink a lot of water :O)
  • marrero210
    marrero210 Posts: 4 Member
    stay positive it doesn't matter how much weight I have lost or how much running I do, the cut and style of old navy clothes will never fit me. Stay on the look out for the clothing brands that will suit your body shape.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    7 Lbs is an awesome loss, be happy about that!

    Old Navy has no idea what size is what. I had 3 pairs of the SAME type of jean. I tried on the 10s, didn't fit, I couldn't even pull them past my thighs. I was so distraught. So I tried on the 12s (my size). They barely fit. I was so confused! This is my regular size, why don't they fit? I've lost weight! So for some reason, I tried on the 8s. I could slide them on WHILE BUTTONED all the way up. They were way, WAY too big. Overall, Old Navy is ridiculous about sizes. They just toss a totally random number on there.

    Eat your exercise calories! Your body needs nourishment to continue living. It needs extra if you are going to work harder by doing exercises!

    As for burning 500-1000 calories... that amazes me. I've never seen that happen to me. If I jog for an hour I might hit 500 calories. Usually I work out and burn 200 or so. If I have enough energy, I'll work out again and burn another 150 or so. You sound like you are doing great with your workouts! :smile:
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    I would not worry about the sizing so much as how you feel. Who cares what size the tag says. The only time in my life that I could fit into a sizes 8 pants was when I was 115 lbs & anorexic. It was many years ago. I don't have those issues any more, but I know I will never fit into that size pants again. I don't feel like not eating and having my hip bones protruding out of my body just to fit into a smaller size thanks. Size does not mater at all. Just buy cloths that fit you.