Weight GAIN

anharrison Posts: 74 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
The scale shows I've gain 1.5 pounds-in four days!!! How discouraging!! What do you do to keep motivated when your gaining weight? I know that weights will add poundage but it makes me want to give up.


  • how often do you weigh yourself? your weight will rise and fall through out the 7 day week so best not to jump on the scales too often or this kinda thing will happen and dishearten you
  • how often do you weigh yourself? your weight will rise and fall through out the 7 day week so best not to jump on the scales too often or this kinda thing will happen and dishearten you
  • TammyLanham
    TammyLanham Posts: 109 Member
    I keep a journal & write down encouraging & motivating things so I can go back & read them in slow weeks. I also listen to Shad Helmstetter's Self Talk for Weight Loss audios and they help me a lot.
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    I know that most people on here weigh themselves more than once a week but I don't. If I ever have a sneaky look in between weekly weigh ins I am always disappointed yet by the time I weigh in at the same time and day each week it has usually sorted itself out. Maybe you could try that???
    Try not to get too despondent. Keep smiling!!

  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    had this this week - i nearly cryed lol as id tryed so hard - it put me off for the day and i ate whatever i wanted lol - got ontoday n its all gone and another 0.2 besides yay - so drink lots of water maybe eat a bit more see if that works x
  • mclahey
    mclahey Posts: 81 Member
    I look at the inches that are gone, not just the scale...
  • nakami
    nakami Posts: 34 Member
    Same here, gained 0.8 it two days...changing my diet a bit to see if it helps...
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    how often do you weigh yourself? your weight will rise and fall through out the 7 day week so best not to jump on the scales too often or this kinda thing will happen and dishearten you

    My thoughts exactly!!
  • 750legpress
    750legpress Posts: 32 Member
    Your weight gain could be from any number of things....water retention (it happens to all of us girls a few times a month), muscle building -- when you start working out with weights or do circuit training the muscles start to build and the scale will budge up just a bit...don't worry, though..building lean muscle is a GOOD thing cause it helps you to burn more fat when you're stationary.

    So, drink a little more water, relax a bit and don't worry...the scale numbers will start to slide the other way really soon...

    I'll be thinking good thoughts for you :)
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Just take heart and know it could be 100 different things. TOM, the flu, too much salt, built a muscle to replace the fat loss, etc... I wouldnt sweat it! Ive gained SIX lbs back in the last 3 days... Under cals and everything, but the Red Menace has decided to show itself to me today... Gain, explained....

    Its no big deal everyone has weight fluctuations. All I know is if you quit then how will that help you feel better? :) Lets work on it together. Add me if you need to.
  • for example iweighed myself saturday morning and 2 hours later after my breakfast i stupidly weighed myself again and id lost 1lb and that was after food and coffee intake so i wudnt worry too much
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Whatever you do, don't give up. There is a reason and if you look hard enough you can find it rather than beat yourself up over it.

    Look back over your foods for the past week or two and check your calories and sodium levels. They hide sodium in everything and you might not realize how much is in the foods your eating. If you've recently lost upwards of 10lbs or so, you might need to shift your goals to account for your new BMR.

    Yes muscle weighs more than fat, but you should be noticing a loss of inches in the process - do you measure as well or just go by the scale? If you normally eat the same foods and same calorie level, try mixing it up a bit to confuse your body. Consider too the TOM will up your numbers as well. It could be bloating from PMS which will come off eventually.
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member

    Stay with your regime and don't weigh in again for ten days or so! Blips happen in this process, it's not an exact science. Do the right things, don't stress about weighing in, and in ten days you will be lighter!

    rgds, David
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    What keeps me motivated is by trying to focus on the bigger picture when a weird weight gain happens in the middle of when I think I'm doing everything right. That I striving for a lifestyle change and I just keep the faith so to speak.

    Look over your diary, see if sodium was high for a few days or something logical that you can pinpoint.......

    I also wondered if your gain might be water weight from monthly cylce??? We women do that so much and it is discouraging!!

    Anyway, hang in there! It will come back off, probably when you least expect it to.... :heart:
  • sparklesammy
    sparklesammy Posts: 465 Member
    i think i will gain this week, sometimes you just know that your week hasnt been that great. but its important to draw a line under these things and move on, dont dwell on it!

    I love to read success stories on the forum, reading about others journeys and seeing their success allways motivates me to get back on it : )
  • Hi,

    Stay with your regime and don't weigh in again for ten days or so! Blips happen in this process, it's not an exact science. Do the right things, don't stress about weighing in, and in ten days you will be lighter!

    rgds, David

    spot on :)
  • I lose 1.5 pounds when I go drop a deuce, haha. Don't be discouraged. I also gain weight depending on my cycle. I really wouldn't let 1.5 lbs get to you.

    Depending on the time of the day I'm up or down 2-3 lbs.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    Don't let the little fluctuations get to you. Drink 1 and a half pints of water and guess what, you will weigh 1.5 lbs heavier without having gained a single gram of fat. The scale is a crude instrument. You're not doing this to make the number on a scale go down. You're doing this to be healthy and to look & feel your best. Look in the mirror. Look at how your jeans are fitting. Look at your energy levels and how you're feeling. Would you rather look and feel fantastic, or would you rather the scale show you some stupid number?
  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Dont give up, stay focused on the end results. My weigh in this week showed 2 pound gain, it was very dishearting. But I am pushing through, keeping focused and not allowing this to derail me. Good luck and hang in there, it happens to us all.
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