Skipping a day of exercise??



  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    take the day if you are under the weather....but now I am feeling really guilty after reading this--I haven't taken a day off exercising since Jan 30th when I started...I love walking/running everyday it helps me to feel accomplished and better about myself..

    Don't feel bad for doing something that makes you feel good about yourself. If it's something you enjoy doing, I don't think walking/running every day is going to hurt you, it's just not a bad idea to take a break every now and then. Good work on being consistent, too!!
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    From what my health teacher told me last semester you NEED days off but not to take more than two days off in a row otherwise your fitness level will start to decline. Going over your calorie limit for one day won't damage you either seeing as you need 3500 to gain a pound and unless you plan on eating 4 quarter pounder meals at Mcdonalds then you will be just fine. I didn't eat the greatest 2 weeks ago went over my limit by 200 twice and only managed to get 3 days of exercise that week still pulled through with a 2.5 pound loss. You're body needs fats too and it's better to treat yourself once in a while so that you don't go overboard after depreiving yourself.
  • I had the same problem and this is my second week of taking a day off. I feel real guilty about it as well as questioning everything I eat. I have to remember it is not about perfection it is about change. My personal trainer said the same things as beliamia did
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Not only is it ok, but you SHOULD skip a day of exercise every now and then. It gives your body time to recover from all the abuse you do to it while exercising. :)

    What she said!
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Goodness, of course it's ok. In fact, you're better off taking 1 day of rest to give your body time to recover.

    And what he said.

    And what everyone else is saying! :tongue:
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