Birth Control Woes...

nikibob Posts: 165 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I've read all the recent studies that say that birth control has such low levels of hormone that they don't actually make you gain weight. While I understand that, since I have been back on the pill for the last two months I feel hungry constantly and because of this have had an extremely hard time keeping to my goals. Anyone out there dealing with this or have any tips on how to fight the hunger? At home it isn't so bad because I can find other things to keep my mind off it or make myself a healthy snack. At work is another story. Bad for me snacks are readily available and the job involves lots of down time. Will accept any and all advice, including tape over the mouth! lol Thanks in advance!


  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I work with food. Cheap, unhealthy, terrible food. I see it all day long. I serve it to customers. I smell it. I want it.

    I take my lunch to work with me, and sometimes my breakfast too. I convince myself, tell myself over and over, THIS is what I am eating. NOT what I see in the store. THIS is what will help me reach my goal, and THIS really is delicious and healthy.

    It's not a lie, but it doesn't help every single time. Sometimes, I don't want that sandwich and fruit. I really want a darn potato chip. If that happens, I'll buy the very best potato chips I can find in the store (usually Baked Lays) and eat 1 serving and only 1 serving. Many times I don't even want to finish my serving. I go back to eating the lunch I brought, and I feel good. This also saves me a lot of money!

    Just keep reminding yourself about your goals, and the steps needed to reach them. I find that helps me, but I know how difficult it is to not eat what you yearn for and see sitting there. BTW I have been on nuva ring birth control for over 7 years, and never gained a bit due to the hormones. (I did gain a lot of weight by eating candy bars and ice cream as a full days diet, though :wink:) I can blame nothing but happiness, clear skin, predictable moods, and high energy to my birth control. I love it so much.
  • I think the 'birth control doesnt make you gain weight' studies are bull****. Everyones bodies are sensitive to different levels of hormones. As soon as I got my implanon bar in, I gained 2.5 kilos. When I got it out, in less than a week, that dropped away. Then I got the bar again, and I gained exactly the same amount and stabalised.

    Perhaps take some chromium pills? They are so great for killing the 'sugar' cravings!
  • I think you have to make a conscious decision or go to work prepare. Is it really the pill or boredom? plus take the same snacks you would eat at home to work.
  • KaleighL
    KaleighL Posts: 159
    I'm always hungry and I've been on the pill for almost two years. Now that you mentioned food cravings I wonder if it is the pill talking because I'm constantly hungry. I feel really weird sometimes because I feel like a food addict
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I agree, everyone reacts differently to hormones. I have asked my doctor to switch me to a birth control with very low hormones. I felt as though it made me crave more but who knows of it was in my head. Since my new bc, I haven't gained any more weight just stayed the same and now losing weight with conscience effort.
  • Flawlessk
    Flawlessk Posts: 68
    You might want to try a different pill or different form of birth control.

    Every time i go for my check up the nurse weighs me and checks my blood pressure because birth control can affect both of these things.

  • abbigail_r
    abbigail_r Posts: 283 Member
    I gain weight on almost every BC there is and everytime the doctor tries to tell me its not the BC...but everytime I get off it I lose the weight. I refuse to take it now Natural family planning for me!
  • smareeh
    smareeh Posts: 117 Member
    Birth control does not contain calories. We use extra or low hormones as an excuse. It all comes down to will power and ability to not eat the extra calories.

    Now not trying to upset anyone but this is how my gyno explained it to me when I brought up that concern. And I agree it makes sense.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Can't really say from experience becuase I'm not on any BC, but I did just talk to a friend yesterday who has the Mirena IUD and she has gained so much weight with it. What is worse is she has not been able to lose the weight. I had not seen her in a while and I was surprised how much she had gained because she has always been pretty small. I felt bad for her. :(

    I told her I would be having it removed if I was her. No way I could deal with that. How depressing!
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I get the shot every 3 months. I started my shot around the same week that I started on MFP. I remember before getting on the shot in August, I was warned I would likely gain a lot of weight in the beginning and would have to work at losing it. I've lost 41 lbs since then. I didn't gain any weight whatsoever. I will say that I probably would have lost a lot sooner had I not been on it.

    I have discovered since being on the shot that I'm always didn't occur to me it could be because of the shot until I started reading up on side effects. I carry healthy snacks with me everywhere I go now and it helps. I have to control myself or I will absolutely go to the vending machine every hour or so because of the hunger.
    It's been 7 months now, and I know pretty much when my stomach is going to start growling so I get my snackage out before it comes. lol
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