Just can't get a start



  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    Thank you everyone for your comments. I know I can do it! I like the way of thinking that it's not a diet but eating better. The junk food or fast food I eat doesn't even taste good. I crave unhealthy foods and then after I eat it. I feel guilty and think it didn't even taste good and it wasn't worth it. I love MFP and all the great people on here...:smile:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    make it small changes at first, remember that bad choices did not happen overnight it took time so if you want it to stick then start small, every small change for the better will result in another and another and will eventually snowball into a major lifestyle change. Make your health and happiness less of an option and more of a must have for yourself, until you set that as a priority then all the preaching in the world and all the "pat you on the back" advice will not get you to make the changes for yourself.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Found this other thread it might inspire you to get started :flowerforyou:

  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    As someone mentioned, try exercise to jump your energy. I started with just a walk around the block. Each day I was able to add a bit more time and walk a bit faster. You will be amazed how much further you can go each week.

    As far as foods go, I cut out one "bad" food at a time.
    First to go was all soda.

    Next step was to cut out bread. I used to use bread for sandwiches every day. Now I eat my lunch meats with some spicy mustard and then roll it up like a cigar. I get the benefits of the protein, without the bread. I save the intake of bread now for that "special dinner" once a month. That way I'm not totally depriving myself.

    The next thing to go was the amount of sugar intake. I am do dessert catering and I love my desserts. Now when I bake I cut brownies, cake, cheese cake, etc into single size servings and freeze them. I just pull one serving out of the freezer to thaw when I need that sugar fix. I allow myself one treat every three weeks. It is a lot better than having a full cake or full pan of baked goods sitting around in sight for me to grab or justify eating it by saying, "I don't want it to go bad and waste it."

    I actually lost 20 lbs in a three month period by making the above changes .

    Two weeks ago I felt ready to join a gym and searched until I found one that I could afford (30 bucks a month and no year contract) It's a month to month membership. The gym told me about this site so I joined here the same time (two weeks ago).

    I have now lost 7 more pounds as of today. My gym routine started out as a 30 minute workout and now I am up to an hour or more a day!

    You can do this! Baby steps are good. My thinking is I am better than I was yesterday, and I will be better tomorrow than I am today!

    Good luck and feel free to friend me if you like!
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    Found this other thread it might inspire you to get started :flowerforyou:


    Thank you...She said it perfectly...Exactly how I feel and what I want to accomplish.