HRM results.

dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
So I got my HRM today. The 30 Shred; someone said to enter as curcuit training general- Way off- MFP gives me 343 HRM 193.

My treadmill was on target though. I walked for 1/2 hr and my treadmill gave me 229 my HRM gave me 217 but I had to reset the HRM at the beginning and it was off by a minute.

MFP gave me lower calories than my HRM for walking.

Just an FYI- for those thinking about getting one. Olympia sports has them and they are having a 20% off sale on everything starting next Monday- I think 28th. The guy at the store actually gave me 20% off today because I had my olympia sports rewards card and I asked if I could bring it back and get the price dif in a week.

Best wishes to all.


  • SunLovin1
    SunLovin1 Posts: 682 Member
    Yup. HRM is the way to go since it's customized to YOU.
  • shug458
    shug458 Posts: 99
    i want to get an HMR but they seem sooooooo expensive and I am on a fairly fixes income considering 2 kids. I feel sooooooooo guilty buying anything for myself....any place I can get one fairly cheap?
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    i got my sigma pc9 from I think pricepoint for $40. . wish I knew someone locally that I could borrow theirs, as some of the calories seem way out there LOL
  • slapshotgolf
    slapshotgolf Posts: 163 Member
    Highly recommend an HRM - they can be bought for as low as $30-$40, and will provide the most accurate caloric burn because you can customize it to your current weight, which is one of the biggest factors in cals/hr burned (which is why the MFP site is of limited help for accuracy). Only thing to remember when using an HRM is that its best to start the clock once your body hits a minimum of the "fat burning zone", which is 55% of your max heart rate (Max Rate = 220-age). Reason is that you will burn calories just sitting on the couch (everyone has a Metabollic Base Rate they can look up on this site), so I find it best to capture the extra calories burned once I actually start exercising. I posted a blog on the subject about a week ago after I starting using my new HRM - any further insights would be appreciated!