5 for 7 challenge

Okay, so I see a ton of challenges on here and I decided to make my own. I had a really bad week last week and tomorrow (Monday the 21st) will mark the start of my fourth week on my "I SWEAR I'M GONNA DO IT THIS TIME" plan, which means that Monday March 28 is the day I told myself I'd be taking progress pictures AND is my first minigoal that I'm pretty sure I won't reach even if I'm stellar... so I really have to kick my own @$$ this week.

Anyway, my challenge for the 7-day week of March 21 is as follows...

I must complete all of the following MFP tasks every day:
1. Stay under my calorie goal.
2. Consume 8+ glasses of water
3. Exercise 30+ minutes

And two of the following personal tasks:
1. Clean/fix something around the house (I am terrible at this)
2. Write a new song (serious writer's block lately)
3. Don't drink (yes, I am a lush)
4. Walk the dog for 30+ minutes
5. Work on my portfolio website (and hopefully have it up by the end of the week since I've been slacking on it for months)

I'll be posting my daily results here. I'm not gonna quit if I screw up, but I'm gonna try hard as hell to meet my goals every day.

If anyone wants to join me on this, post here! Obviously your personal tasks could/would be different, and you don't have to share them if you don't want to... I just find that writing these things out helps me to accomplish them!!

Wish me luck!!!

EDIT: My reward for myself if I manage to go all 7 days is new workout clothes (which I really need, because working out in pajamas is embarrassing). :)