Laxatives ...



  • Cathy92
    Cathy92 Posts: 312 Member
    The whole laxative taking sounds scary to me, a little too frequent. I spent a year seeing a naturopath and never once did he recommend a laxative. He did recommend a couple of tbls. of cold milled ground flax seed in the morning. I take that once or twice a week now and never have an issue. Good luck. Please be careful and seek professional help if you need it.
  • 2004Jessica
    2004Jessica Posts: 113
    SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!! Do not consult us- call an ambulance if you need to- get to people who can physically help you- not just give you advice. And for pity's sake NO MORE LAXATIVES!!!!!!!!!!!! :sad:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Last Wednesday night I took three laxatives mainly because I wanted to see my actual weight without all this **** in my system, literally. I knew taking three at once was probably not the best idea but I did it any way.

    this is what made people think it was a bigger issue than being backed up.
    if you are going to take them you should probobly go by whatever the box tells you to take.3 seems a bit much
  • megancx3
    megancx3 Posts: 17
    Last Wednesday night I took three laxatives mainly because I wanted to see my actual weight without all this **** in my system, literally. I knew taking three at once was probably not the best idea but I did it any way.

    this is what made people think it was a bigger issue than being backed up.
    if you are going to take them you should probobly go by whatever the box tells you to take.3 seems a bit much

    Haha ... yeah probably. I should of explained it more better. I just felt really backed so I took more then what the box told me too. (Yes I do read the directions haha)
    I just need to chill out, and be patient. Which will be hard :P
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Get a little step stool the kind kids use to reach the toilet, sounds simple but it really works make sure your knees are higher than your bum .
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Hiya, hope you're sorted out now!

    My Understanding of laxatives is that most over the counter ones are actually irritants, and use that method to expel what's in your intestines. Laxatives you get from your dr relax your intestines to allow stuff to leave. An irritant causes your intestines to constrict, which usually triggers peristaltic motion, but not in all cases, relaxants allow your colon to distend, which allows stuff to get out. This is particularly useful when you're 'backed up'.

    Hope that helps- I'd see your gp & c if they can prescribe a better lax 4u if feel it's ongoing.
  • gameovergt
    gameovergt Posts: 502
    say no to laxatives. eat more lettuce
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    I believe you may be lactose intolerant or have another form of irritable bowl syndromes. This happens to me when I consume dairy products. I've gone through times my stomach expanded so much to the point that it couldn't expand anymore because there wasn't anymore skin that it could stretch. I had extreme difficulty breathing. I feel so much better since I've stayed away from dairy, and have decreasesd my gluten intake. I understand the laxative thing. I have done it myself because I needed to, and it helped passed whatever food that was tying up digestive track. The same type of laxative pill seems to work when it feels like it. When it didn't work, it actually causes the opposite reaction to happen to me: I would be more backed up. I currently drink Chinese dieter's tea to help me go. It has the same effect as a laxative, but you don't experience any water gain that comes after your body has emptied itself. The fiber and prune juice also sounds like a good idea. If laxative seemed like the option for you at that time, don't feel bad. However, solve the problem that had caused you to be backed up, and try more natural alternatives. Good luck!
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    There are 2 types of laxatives. Softeners and ones that cause muscle spasms to force out waste. Both can cause pain.

    If you have changed your diet suddenly this can cause bowel difficulties. A sudden increase in fiber can cause as much problems as too little. Also the type of fiber. Soluble fiber is much kinder on the body so have some oatmeal in the morning or even as a night time snack.

    Keep a diary of symptoms. My kids are mildly lactose intolerant, they can cope with a certain amount before it causes problems and they have learnt their limits themselves.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    sounds to me like you are dehydrated and you are making yourself dependent of those stupid things. STOP Taking them NOW!!!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I bought PlumSmart Light by Sunsweet and it works. I am drinking 8oz in the morning right now and I will slowly decrease the amount until my body gets normal again.

    Ditto on the Plumsmart...also, try eating 2 Sunsweet "Ones" Prunes each evening. That really does help!
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    I have a prescription lax that I have to take each day for IBS and before I was put on those I took OTC stuff and it made me feel worse everytime.

    If you feel like you need to go and cant you need to try something like a saline lax you drink. Those are the type of things the DR makes me drink before having a upper or lower GI scoping done.


    I too have IBS and I have to take laxatives all the time. I don't go without them. I used to use citracell but after two weeks of that I am so bound up and in pain.