Hi! Just getting started.

Hi I am new to this program. i am a wife and a mom that needs to get back to a healthy lifestyle. I am very active with the kids and work I am a retail manager so I am constantly moving. Hoping this program will help me keep motivated to stay on track. I have been married since 1997 and my husband still loves me for who I am.. the problem is I want to love myself again when I look in the mirror. If anyone has any suggestions that have worked for them please share and good luck to everyone on their goals.



  • driscollmc
    hi!!! welcome to mfp :) my best piece of advice is whenever you feel like giving up, use this site and the people on it. post something on the message board like "i need help" and i guarantee someone will answer you. it's amazing to have people who you've never even met giving you that kind of encouragement. and, if you ever need anything at all, message me!! i may only be 19, but i'd like to think i'm wiser beyond my years haha. good luck!!!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome. I watch my calories and salt. I have been walking 20 minutes a day, a few days a week. You will really like My Fitness Pal. Plenty of people to help motivate you. :smile:
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    Welcome! This site has a lot of support! There is a lot to learn and this is the place we can do it. Feel free to add me.