
ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I have to ask, has anyone else had a really hard time sleeping after starting a new exercise program????? For the last week (since I started hard core working out) I've been tossing and turning. And trust me, I'm a girl who loves to sleep! My friend has just started training for a body building competition ( I know, I know!) and she's been having serious trouble sleeping too. I'm just wondering if this is common or if I'm driving myself crazy. Is my body revolting against the exercise???? LOL


  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    I have to ask, has anyone else had a really hard time sleeping after starting a new exercise program????? For the last week (since I started hard core working out) I've been tossing and turning. And trust me, I'm a girl who loves to sleep! My friend has just started training for a body building competition ( I know, I know!) and she's been having serious trouble sleeping too. I'm just wondering if this is common or if I'm driving myself crazy. Is my body revolting against the exercise???? LOL
  • Hi, what time of day are you exercising? when are you eating? and what are your evening activites?

    Any thing troubling you of late?

  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    I normally work out around 4:00 then come home and have supper, maybe a bath to help the sore muscles. I watch some tv with my hubby or read a book. I usually have a snack before bed, some popcorn, fruit or rice cakes. Nothing that really should be keeping me up.
  • chelsey787
    chelsey787 Posts: 261
    i always work out in the morning (7 or 8'ish) because it gives me energy until about 3 or 4 in the afternoon... so if i'm calculating this correctly: that's about 8-9 hours of me feeling unstoppable!!! if you're working out late in the day, you're giving yourself an energy boost and also raising your body temperature which could be causing you to fall asleep (at night, our body temperature drops so we are able to fall asleep with ease). Also, if you're eating a snack before bedtime this is another way your body is finding energy to keep you awake!

    if working out later in the day is the only time you can do it, go for it! but i would maybe eat a snack before the workout and not after dinner. Try this for a week and see if it helps!
  • There are mixed views regarding eating before bed, one fact is, as we all know, it does not automatically get sorted as fat however you can argue that eating doesn't give you a boost... Maybe have the fruit a little earlyer?

    With regards to the exercise I go to the gym at 5:40 everyday after work and on some days head out at 9 and go for a 30 minute run.

    When i used to run a few years ago, I often went out at midnight, I never had trouble sleeping. So i wouldn't think your exercise has anything to do with it... When you can't sleep do you find yourself thinking of any thing specific?
  • hamilton4beaumont
    hamilton4beaumont Posts: 122 Member
    I take melatonin. It's over the counter and is NOT addictive! It doesn't give you that weird sleeping pill feeling either. I take a very small amount and it does the trick every time. After a while, your body will adjust and be ready for sleep again. Hope it helps.
  • ctucker07
    ctucker07 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks guys for all the advice. I just wanted to clarify that the snack before bed is not right before I go to bed. It's a few hours. I'm a night owl so I'm eating around 8:30 or so and I don't go to sleep until about 12:30/1:00. Does that make a diffreence?
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