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Hello from MrsFearby, starting today :)

Hello there, iv started a calorie diet today and could really use all the help i can get as im new to this :S i was doing sw the last 2 weeks and i lost 5lb but i felt it didnt suit my life style so i decided to try calories! im also new to mfp so trying to find my way around things lol i have 4 stone to lose altogether so im gonna be here for a while :) so onwards and "downwards" :) feel free to add me as a friend x


  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome to the site. There's some great advice on here. Try not to think of "dieting" rather a lifestyle change. You should also try and incorporate some exercise into your schedule too. Rick
  • mrsfearby
    Hiya, thanks :) yeh thats how im thinking of it to be honest, eating more healthy and making wiser choices! i hate the word diet lol im going to do an hour a day on the wii fit for exercise, dont really get to go out much.
  • wingchunrick
    wingchunrick Posts: 267 Member
    You'll love this app. Its really handy. Feel free to add me as a friend anytime. Rick
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Well you have come to the right place. I have learnt so much about my eating habits from being on here and everyone is so friendly and helpful. I lose hours in the evenings just reading through all the forum posts past and present soaking everything in.

    I'm am also trying to lose about 4 stone but this time I am motivated and hopefully going to stay that way. Feel free to add me! :)