Doesnt it bother you?



  • GypsyRoaddog
    GypsyRoaddog Posts: 80 Member
    The cupcake W/Mount Shasta frosting is a hoot OK. HAHAHA it is just now to the right as I type this !!! My p.o.v. is that this 'tempting' (case-by-case of course) food is stuff we see all day every day in any given place :>) I totally agree with JulsDiane's comment:

    It may be annoying but I look at it as they are paying for the site so we don't have to; i will gladly be annoyed any day to keep the site free ;)

    We will grow to the point at which food, the yummy, the gooey, the whatever-it-is-that-tempts-each given one of us will lose its power in/over us whether in a glossy pic or in the 3D. Been there! Just wandered off & lost my way back. Pickin' up again on a new highway home and sharing with other travelers on the way to their homes, too.

  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I get huge burger adverts and walt disney world, none of which I've ever googled :/
    It doesn't bother me though, I suppose it would do if I had a craving for the food being advertised but the burgers in the picture never look that tasty haha
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    yes, the ads are google-powered ads and can be related to this site (health, weightloss, fitness, diet, etc), the subject of a particular convo thread (keywords pulled), sites you've recently visited, things you've done internet searches for, companies whose emails you've recently opened, etc... Google Ad Sense pulls this stuff so while you may see things tailored for you, there will be a tremendous overlap of all MFP users, since we all have this subject/site in common :)

    I have been seeing a lot of ads recently for Campmor and i have to admit: i am now in the mood to blow some money on hiking gear hahahaha! Right now i have Smart Ones and Stouffer's Sautes for Two

    I once saw a thread written by a (self-proclaimed) religious member who was disturbed and upset at the inappropriate ads that were coming up on her page (meet singles, semi-adult-subject things like that with bikini girls (nothing hardcore), etc) and she was so upset that these images were coming up where she and her husband would be viewing them that she was considering deactivating her account. Unfortunately for her, i think the problem was at least in part that someone was doing some internet surfing on her computer without her knowing what was going on.... Just saying..... if you have this sort of thing coming up on a shared computer, you might want to keep an eye on what your (husband, boyfriend, children, babysitter, etc) is viewing/doing online! Eeks!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    It may be annoying but I look at it as they are paying for the site so we don't have to; i will gladly be annoyed any day to keep the site free ;)

  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Mine are banana and sun chips, Used to be Dominos pizza, which I didn't mind because we don't have one locally.

    It is what makes the website free, so I don't mind. I just tune them out.
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    I'm pretty sure the ads are Google ads, and google ads generally appear as it fits the content written on the page. It could be anything really. Whatever anyone writes about.

    :smile: yeap, what she said! It's not only based on your searches. Any articles you read, posts you read or reply to, etc are also factored into google ads
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    It may be annoying but I look at it as they are paying for the site so we don't have to; i will gladly be annoyed any day to keep the site free ;)

    sometimes, I will even randomly click on one of the links (usually that's how internet advertising revenue works - the link needs to be clicked for the host site to gain revenue from said advertising)

    and I am happy to say, I have never seen any questionable advertisements - unless of course, you consider that massive cupcake or two greasy burgers "questionable" :wink:
  • mingermany
    I didn't really notice it until I saw this post. I guess i'm just so used to ads being everywhere that I kind of tune out.
  • michellehorvath
    michellehorvath Posts: 57 Member
    It may be annoying but I look at it as they are paying for the site so we don't have to; i will gladly be annoyed any day to keep the site free ;)

    Great Point!! My ads are usually for Groupon which I love.....but I have seen the bluefrosted cupcake and the foods to fight belly fat! Two things I never google!! But I think your onto something because I LOVE THAT THIS SITE IS FREE!!! :laugh: