the scale is annoying

I was annoyed to find that I went another week without losing any lbs, when I was staying well under my calories, working out almost every day, and eating lean. And then I found my tape measure (finally!) and found that I had trimmed down an inch everywhere. I don't know if that's a lot, but it makes me feel a whole heck of a lot better!


  • catherinern
    The same thing happens to me :) After awhile I need to stop looking at the scale. I do a lot of weight training and because muscle weighs more than fat....the scale started to go up instead of down. I usually only weigh myself about every two weeks but take my measurements weekly and it is in the measuring tape that I notice results. Gotta love that :) Keep up the good work. It pays off somewhere :)
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I hear this time and again and it gets frustrating to me, I wish that you would take a step back for a second and look at the big picture. The scale is the greasy car salesman of the weight loss world, it only tells you half the story and can make you nuts. What you need to be looking at is the overall picture. Get measurements, no trainer or dietitian will use just a scale to get your results and if they do then they are not good at what they do. Fat loss is the goal, not muscle loss, and often time you can see negative or 0 results on the scale when the body is actually pumping along right on target. So get those in and go from there, check out my blog the 2 most recent posts for some good tips and hints to get you off on the right foot and get a lot of the misinformation out of the way for you.
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    totally agree of course. I just couldn't find my tape measure and am too cheap to buy another, so the scale was all I had. It's also hard when everybody is using the tickers and posting their .5 lb loss all the time. Society is geared toward lbs lost and it's hard to get out of that mindset. Of course my clothes are so much looser and I can see a difference in the mirror. It's a battle with the scale and one that I am still fighting to get my head around.
  • feliciapeters
    . Of course my clothes are so much looser and I can see a difference in the mirror.

    If your clothes are looser, go to the store & try on a size smaller pants. TRUST me, zipping up a size smaller (even if they are alittle tight) that you couldnt zip up (or possibly even get up over your thighs) 2 months ago, you wont give a crap what the scale says.
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Society is geared toward lbs lost and it's hard to get out of that mindset. Of course my clothes are so much looser and I can see a difference in the mirror. It's a battle with the scale and one that I am still fighting to get my head around.
    If society were to jump off a cliff would you? Lemmings will follow the group to their deaths if so led, do not be a lemming, go against the grain and the fact that your clothes are looser should be what many consider a NSV.
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    we need to find an inches ticker!!!!
  • jec2nd
    jec2nd Posts: 6 Member
    I'm just in the my second week of working out, and I know what you mean about the scales. I haven't seen them budge in the past 2 weeks, other than my normal 3lb fluctuation. It's a tad bit discouraging, especially considering I've worked out 6 days a week. I haven't really changed my diet much. I've only started tracking on here for less than a week. I seem to be making my calorie goals each day, but I know I need to focus on healthier foods. Meeting calories goals on crappy food isn't so good.

    On the plus side, my pants do feel a tab bit loose this morning. So maybe there has been some change. I really need to start tracking measurements. An inches ticker would be great!
  • kabullard
    kabullard Posts: 41
    we need to find an inches ticker!!!!
    I totally agree!!!!
  • marathonmom72
    marathonmom72 Posts: 191 Member
    I feel your pain. Maybe I need to get the tape measure out too. I'm tired of watching the scale yo-yo back and forth between the same 3 lbs. I'm up again today, and I'm sure it doesn't help that I was over my calorie limit yesterday...but I had been thinking I was doing pretty good. I agree though, if your clothes are feeling loose, you are doing just fine. It's not about a number on a scale, it's about being healthy, fit, and strong!