How many days do you workout

concealedpearl Posts: 206
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
What is your average work out days per week, and how long do you work out per day.
I work out around 5-6 days, some days I work out 1 hr and on my strength training days I do two hours.
I want to know what works for everyone here...also are there any folks here who do morning and night work outs...I've heard this is the best way to do it granted you have the time.


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I go to:
    Zumba x2 a week
    Swimming x1 a week
    Walk the dogs x 6 per week (1 hour)

    Plus any extras if I can manage it.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    5-6 days with 1 day of the week to rest and relax. 3 to 4 is combination of walking and jogging for at least 45 mins to 1½ hrs. . the other 2 weight training 1 hr each time
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I'm doing the 30DS each day, I try to walk for 30-60 min each day, although sometimes I do gardening instead of a longer walk.

    I find if I take a day off, I want to take the day off working out and watching what I eat! So I make sure I always do something so I've got the calories to spare to eat something nice!
  • Jenni268
    Jenni268 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred and I'm using it as my main workout for the month. This is the one that I HAVE to do! I will occasionally take 1 day off a week if I'm too burned out, but I'm trying to do it consistently. If I have the time and energy, I will supplement with p90x amrs and shoulders a couple of times a week, as the Shred doesn't do much for my arms. Also, sometimes we take a walk all together as a family.

    Honestly, my goal is to do a workout schedule that I can maintain. I'm not willing to work out 2-3 hours a day for the rest of my life. If I do that now, I kind of view it the same way as crash dieting. Sure, it'll work for now, but it's not something I can maintain for ever and so I'll gain the weight and lose the muscles after I stop.
    But by doing something realistic, it keeps me from getting discouraged and it keeps me motivated! Plus it's nice to know that what I'm doing now is something that I can keep doing the rest of my life as part of my lifestyle change.
  • michelle4271
    michelle4271 Posts: 194 Member
    I do cardio 6 days a week. 45 mins eliptical, precor, or cybex machine.
    I do strength training 4-5 days per week.

    Prior to last June, I was doing the same thing, but strenght training in the morning and cadio at night. was a great option, but surgery and school schedules dont allow that for me right now.

    the main thing is to give your body that day of rest, I myself find it really hard to do without thinking i'm going to jeopardize all my hard work, so I just try to eat really clean that day to compensate for it.

    good luck
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    for the most part I do 3 hours a day 2 in the am and 1 at night
  • I do 6 days a week. 45 mins in the morning at 45 at night. I mix it up with cardio and toning. Plus all the stairs that I go up and down all day at work since I work on the 3rd floor. I feel much better and have seen more results exercising twice a day. Good Luck with whatever choice is good for you
  • Thanks for all the feedback, it's always good to see the different things others do in terms of working out. I will try the am and pm workouts this week to give my body a change.
    Good luck to you all.
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