30 Day Shred

Hi There

Has anybody done and completed the 30 day shred???

If so how many times a day do you do the workout and do you still go to the gym??

How many days does it take before you start seeing a difference??


  • Sueboo31
    Sueboo31 Posts: 128
    Hi. I've been on this site for 2 weeks and have seen some amazing before and after pics from people who have completed it so it must work. You can do a search on 30 day shread and you'll probably find a lot of threads about it. I tried it for the first time on Saturday and it killed me....lol. I clearly am not in good enough shape to do it yet. I was too sore to do it the second day. I'm going to try it again after I get in a little bit better shape. Good luck with it!
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    I have done it for 3 days now. Today will be my fourth. I am finding it challenging, but enjoyable. I had a rough weekend, but I am anticipating results from it!
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    I am just finishing my 2nd cycle threw 30 day shred. When I started I did lvl 1 for 3 week and lost many many inches and 3 pounds. Then after I started lvl 2 for a week I decided to start going to the gym as well. Just so I could jump start my workout. Then I also joined this site and I have been working out like crazy. You WILL see results from the shred, Not only from pounds but inches and your endurance will go up. My husband does the dvd with me and he does not need to lose weight but he loves how his endurance went up!

    I would say you will for sure see results by the time you are on lvl 2. Do 10 days each and you will get strong!
  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I am just finishing my 2nd cycle threw 30 day shred. When I started I did lvl 1 for 3 week and lost many many inches and 3 pounds. Then after I started lvl 2 for a week I decided to start going to the gym as well. Just so I could jump start my workout. Then I also joined this site and I have been working out like crazy. You WILL see results from the shred, Not only from pounds but inches and your endurance will go up. My husband does the dvd with me and he does not need to lose weight but he loves how his endurance went up!

    I would say you will for sure see results by the time you are on lvl 2. Do 10 days each and you will get strong!

    I'm making my husband do it with me tonight to see if he can complete the whole workout without stopping. I'm only on Day 4 of Level 1 and I still can't quite complete the cardio.. He just graduated from police academy in December and has been complaining that he is losing his muscle and strenght that he built up there... I'm curious to see how he does! I'm sure he will be able to hang more than I can but it will still be amusing!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I love the Shred....well, some days at least. She is a tough cookie! I do it every other day, and am doing the C25K on my off days. Thinking about doing the Shred daily now that I am stronger, but not sure if I can do a 45 minute run on the same day as the Shred! I have to say I have only been doing it a few weeks and am already getting my little six-pack back!
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member

    I have done the whole thing and it was a success for me... I started out doing it Mon- Fri and only that got through every level as soon as my body was ready. I started seeing results in about 2-3 weeks but you have to do it 5 days a week at least.. I did it for 3 months straight and go into my bikini last yr because of Jullian. She is really hard but you get wonder results.. I still workout to her and switch up other dvd's of hers. I have 6 of hers and love all of them. Now Im only 3 pounds away from my goal and I can thank her for that.. So stick with it and you will see.. I cant tell you how many times I cussed her out but I did it.. Level 2 is hard for me still to this day and its been a yr since Ive been working out with her.. I use heavier weights now and just improving on my toning.. If you like you can look at my before and after pics and you will see the results.. Hope this helps you out and you stick with it.. Good luck..
